~ Chapter 32 ~ (part 2)

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Our victory was short lived  because Blake and I didn´t really won that round on the games. So we were in a tie with Jake and Liz. Oh joy this is going to be so fun... not.

“Okay kids, we seem to have a tie" Tom, our councilor, said pointing at the board with all the teams’ scores. “So this last game, both teams will be competing against each other to win the price."

"Oh great another game, this is just a dream come true" I said sarcastically to Liz who was standing beside me.

" Hey we still have two more points to check out of the list, to see if he likes you; use this game to do it" She said scolding me like I was a three year old making a scene.

I zoomed out in the rest of her monologue, knowing it was no use talking to her about not wanting to look for anymore signals.

3. See how he talks about the future. Supposedly if he mentions me when we talk about the future then he is planning on continuing with our relationship; whatever that relationship is.

“Okay sweetheart here is the plan. We will each run as fast as we can in those ropes to get the pieces. And instead of leaving them on the floor we are going to start making the puzzle right away" Blake said pointing to the arena for the game; but I had no idea what he was talking about. Apparently I had been very lost in my own thoughts.

Blake explained me the game all over again. We had to climb a wall with the help of the ropes to grab puzzle pieces. When we had it we had to run passing a series of obstacles until we were on the other side where the board where we would make the puzzle was located.

“Ready sweetheart?" Blake questioned holding my hand to walk us to the starting line.

“As ready as I´ll ever be" I answered uneasily eyeing up the giant wall.

“Ready, set, go!" Bethany shouted blowing the whistle.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me positioning the safe ropes to climb. Climbing was never an issue, in fact I did it before everyone; but as soon as I looked down I felt paralyzed with fear.

“Sweetheart. You’re doing great now you just need to get down" Blake said sitting next to me on the top of the wall.

“Blake. I..I-I can´t. Is too high. I can´t go down" I said with a shaky vice looking down where Liz was still struggling to get up.

" Sweetheart look at me" He said reaching my chin, raising it so I was staring right into his dark blue eyes " I know you can do it" I was beginning to shake my head but he stopped me once again " Yes you can, we are going to do this together okay? Just look at me not down"

I nodded not bothering to take my eyes from his hypnotizing ones. Slowly we began to descend and not once did he let me look down. When my feet finally touched the floor I let out the breath I was holding.

“Great job sweetheart" He said kissing my cheek “When we get back we are definitely going to make you practice wall climbing"

Blushing I nodded running to the next part of the game. Liz and Jake were on the lead, thanks to my mini panick attack.

Well he said 'when we get back' that means we will hang out after this. Is that future enough? Ugh I hate the internet so much right now. You know what! I don´t need a guide to know if he likes me. If we´re meant to be a couple then it will happen, but I´m done overanalyzing things.

“Come on sweetheart we´ve got to move faster if we want to win" He said taking the puzzle pieces from my hand.

The obstacle part wasn´t hard, Blake held my hand the whole time helping me walk through each one, and we managed to reach Jake and Liz. Both groups got to the board at the same time and we began placing pieces as fast as we could.

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