~ chapter 11-part 1 ~

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this is still unedited.


All my life I've heard people talking about finding the good side to a bad situation, and I guess I can understand it now; they do it to prevent themselves from crying because finding a little bit of hope makes everything a little bit better. like I might do right now. So.... here it goes:

good side: we have a place to spend a night.
bad situation: I have to spend all night with 4 people in 1 tini-tiny tent.

A tent! apparently this side of the town is having a carnival so al the hotels were booked like a moth ago, and the only place that was still available was a camp-site, and it only had one 2-person tent; so now the four of us have to sleep in here  trying not to kill each other, which believe me it's taking a great self-control.

“I can’t believe I’m stuck with all of you. This is so degrading." Angela said glaring at each of us.

I turned around to face her "oh please, stop complaining Barbie girl, is just a camp not the end of the world”

Blake and Matt snickered while she just stomped her foot like a toddler.

The camp-site was really simple; tents everywhere, a park for kids, a restaurant, and a small pool, which I highly doubt we use taking in consideration the only clothes we have are the ones we are wearing which are still wet.

"ok, we have the space over there" Blake said pointing at an empty space between two other tents "I suggest we start building the tent "

we walked to the place and got all the things that the tent had to start building, but apparently building a tent is easier in the movies, because this one had several pieces marked with different colors and we had to build it at least ten times to get it right; I say we to refer me and Matt because Angela just stood beside Matt waiting, while Blake´s help just made us start all over again.

“finally, I almost turn 100 years old waiting for you to finish" Angela said in a snotty way and I just wanted to rip her throat.

“Hey at least we did something, you snob" I said glaring.

Matt seemed frustrated about this situation, and I kind of understand him, I mean he is after all tied to this excuse of a girl.

“how about we go and grab something to eat, then we can figure out how are we going to sleep" Blake said trying to change the mood.

I started walking towards the restaurant. “fine by me" I wasn´t in the mood to wait for them, so I just stomped inside, find the most edible looking food, which was some sort of pasta, paid for it and took a seat on a log outside besides a camp-fire.

"Hey, are you OK?” Blake said taking a seat next to me.

"I guess so, but if Barbie girl is coming, I swear I´ll throw my food on her face"

Blake started laughing “Don´t worry she is inside with Mathew complaining about the food"

I turned to look at Blake; he was holding a plate of what I think is meat and smashed potatoes. “Wow, I´m surprised you’re not complaining too, knowing that in your house you have a chef that would cook anything for you" I said jokingly but with a hint of seriousness.

he snorted " Looks deceive. So have you ever been on a camp before?"

I wanted to ask him more about the ´looks deceive´ thing but something about his face just told me not to push it " No, I have always wanted but my mom hates mosquitos, so she refused going anywhere near a camp, but to make it up too me my dad build a tent on the middle of our garden and let me invite some friends, it was the best camp ever" I was grinning at the memory " How about you?"

“well my parents have always love the bonding family thing, so there was a time when my dad took us to this camp and decided that he didn´t want any help or hotel and that everything we had to do it by our self’s, making the tent was a total disaster, once it fell when we were sleeping" Blake started laughing and I joined him. He looked so happy, and I had to admit that spending time with him is not turning as bad as I thought it would.

" well, so then is a good thing Matt and I did all the work today" I said grinning.

" well you can´t be good at everything. cant you? he asked and I just smiled.

We continued laughing and telling funny stories about our families and right now it was really easy to forget the spoilt and jerk he really was.

After a while he stood up and extend his hand to me “we should probably go and look for them, Matt must be going crazy"

I reached for his hand “agreed"

Finding them was easier than I thought; we just had to look for the high-pitch annoying voice.

“I said, I am not going to take a shower in there” I could hear the Barbie girl talking near the bathrooms.

“Angela, I already told you there is no other way, if you want to take bath there is the shower” Matt was saying.

“Fine” Angela said removing the machine from her hand so she could take the shower.

“Remember you have 10 min” Matt shouted after her.

“Wow, dude, I´m sorry for you” Blake said to Matt after Angela was out of ear range.

“Tell me about it, I have never heard someone complaining that much in my entire life. And I have two little brothers”

I went besides Matt to hug him. “It will get better”

He kissed my cheek “I hope”

Blake cleared his throat and when I turned around his face held an emotion I couldn´t decipher.

“Maybe we should teach her a lesson” Blake said grinning like a villain in those Disney movies.

“What do you mean?” I asked with curiosity

Blake motion us to get closer, and explained the whole plan to us which I must say was pretty genius, and even if it doesn´t teach her a lesson, I would have a whole lot of fun.

“I´m in” Matt said happily after Blake´s explanation

“Count me in too” I said with a villain laugh

“OK we begin at midnight” Blake said with a twinkling mischief in his eyes.


OK I know this was short, and just a filler, but I promise the next one will be great. :D

Thanks again for all your votes-comments. it means a lot to me.

crazy thing that happened this week: me and my friends almost get lost trying to find my friend´s house. lesson learned: Public buses routes are complicated :P

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