~ chapter 16 ~

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Hey guys. I´m back! sorry for not uploading in so long but I had to study for this really long exam. I was doing it like for 7 hours no joke from 7:30 am -10 am and the from 1:30 til 5:45 pm, crazy right. anyway the winner of the contest is.......

@hklakhan. thank you for your idea I think is awesome. I will go stright to create your character :)

I also want to thank xxuracuttiepiexx, and neneh1231 your ideas were really great too.

ok sory for such a long note, but here is finally the chapter, Is not that long but I hope you like it. remember this is not edited yet, so I am sorry for any mistake.


How was I going to survive the rehearsals I have no idea. I will do everything in my power to avoid that kiss. I know I'm giving away most female population´s dream, but I just don't want to kiss him.‘You’re just afraid ' oh great the annoying inner voice decided to talk again. Does everyone has one of this or it just me? Well for those who don't, let me tell you they are irritating.

I continued walking through the hallways without noticing where I was going. To preoccupied finding ways to avoid the jerks kiss. Maybe I could say I got the Swine influenza? No one would come near me right? Much less kiss me.

I was taken away from my genius plans when someone grabbed my hand making me jump like the floor was on fire.

I turned around ready to scream for help when I heard the laughing fit of my heart attacker giver of a friend Matt.

" Sorry Carrie I didn´t mean to scare you, but I was talking to you like about five minutes ago and all the response I got were the funny faces you do when you’re thinking hard about something" Matt said still laughing

" I do not make funny faces when I think" I said reproachfully

" yes you do. You frown slightly while biting your lip and closing your eyes a bit “he said amused

" if you continue making fun of me I'm going to find your wife an send her to you"

Matt turned to look at me with panic on his face "oh no! Please don´t do that. I swear if I hear one more of her 'I´m the best' comments I will go crazy. The last thing she said was how she was going to find an attractive husband to be able to keep up with her. I don´t know how anyone can be so self-absorbed"

I had to agree even Blake wasn´t like that. Yeah he was cookie and had too much self-confidence, but I had never heard a comment about how he is better than anyone.

“So .... are you official with Jake? I saw you two talking this morning." Matt said as he placed his arm around my shoulder guiding me to the lunch room.

I smiled brightly remembering this morning gift” I wish we were. But honestly I don´t know what we are, he gave me a really sweet gift this morning, but had never mention any word that hints relationship. What do you think?” I said glancing at Matt, whose grip on my shoulder had tightened a bit.

“I think you should be careful. I don´t like him” He said without looking at me, and his face stone hard.

Matt has always been the protective friend type, guess it comes with being so close friends, and I love it but sometimes he goes to overboard.

“Please don´t tell me you´re in this‘let´s hate Jake’ club. He is really sweet you know.” I said trying to convince him.

“He is also a player. Ho breaks hearts as a hobby”

We entered the cafeteria, and I let the conversation drop, I was in no mood to fight my best friend into like Jake I know when he doesn´t like someone his mind is set. I just wonder why he fights so much, against me liking him. Matt left me in the lunch line and went to sit at our usual table next to Liz.

I was deciding what to order when my nightmare´s voice speaked.

"Why did you run away? You were finally going to get your dream come true" Blake’s voice sounded from behind me.

“More like my nightmare" I said turning around to glare at him.

“So you do dream about kissing me" He said with a triumphant smile on his face.

I couldn´t think of a reply fast enough and just opened and closed my mouth several times, I must look like a candy vender machine. “I would never dream, think, talk or any other thing, about kissing you” I said with my most evil glare, since I wasn´t able to come with a reply to glare at him as the best I could do.

He started to step closer to me, his eyes looking directly into mine. I couldn’t move, I was glued to the floor, what was he doing? As he got closer I started to feel that stupid weird feeling in my stomach again. Blake was really closed now, I could feel his breath tickling my skin, and I needed to get away from him, now! He was just about to open his mouth to say something, but I quickly interrupted him “I have to eat”

He stepped away from me looking puzzled “what?”

“I am going to eat, I´ll talk to you later always after eating of course” He continued to look at me with a confused face, but I just walked away with a hamburger, which was the first thing I managed to grab before leaving. I seriously need to eat before being near this guy. Yep I am sticking to the food theory.

I went to sit with my friends at our table trying to find something that distracts me of thinking about Blake.

As I approached the table I notice they were both looking at me strangely, but saying nothing, I decided to sit and just ignore their stares. After about 10 minutes I couldn´t stand it anymore " What?" I asked looking at them.

Liz was the first who broke the silence " What was that between you and Blake?!" she asked almost shouting.

I gave her a confused look " I don´t know what you´re talking about"

"Oh, don´t try to play the fool with us Carrie, there was practically no space between you two, the whole cafeteria saw it" Matt said with his brotherly tone.

“Ugh guys we were just talking, that’s all, well not exactly talking more like fighting; you´re just overlooking things."

Liz just looked at me amused “Well tell that to his fans" she said pointing towards the popular table, also known as Blake´s table. It was a mix of cheerleaders, jocks, players of different sports, but overall Blake´s followers and fans, or the ones who were closest to him, since most of the school loves him.

The guys at the table were talking animatedly about something, while some girls glared at me and others looked at me curiously. I just sighted, Blake has never dated them and they still have a claim on him, how original! Note the sarcasm. Oh well they can think whatever they want is not my problem.

“There’s nothing to explain, I think they can come to that conclusion themselves" I replied to Liz previous comment. “Oh and by the way I need you to help me find a way to avoid kissing him"

"What!” Matt and Liz both shouted at the same time their eyes looking wide open.

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