~ Chapter 19 ~

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Have you ever felt like an animal on display? Well let me tell  now I understand why when you visit the zoo each animal seems to be glaring at you;it feels horrible. Just because I´m wearing Blake´s t-shirt and holding his hand means we are something? Okay maybe we are giving off the wrong impression, but seriously people don´t you have better things to do that surviving him 24/7.

Most of the day has been like this, whispers about if he´s still single, why he is with me, I should drop his hand and relate with my own friends,I´m not in the same level as he is, Blah, blah, blah. Suddenly because we are not fighting people seem to notice me, and I hate it.

“Is it always like this?” I asked Blake as me made out way towards his car.

He stopped walking to face me even if he couldn´t see me “Like what?"

“Like people watching you all the time, talking about what you do, where you go, who you are with. Is like you are some kind of celebrity, I mean I´ve always known you were popular, but this is an extreme. People really should mind their own business. But as an afterthought I think you might like it you are absolutely cocky, so people giving you compliments must be great, plus you´re always so nice to them" I told him with a serious voice.

“Hey I´m nice with everyone, and I´m not cocky just self-confident “He said with a playful tone.

I snorted "Yeah right. But seriously how can you like people talking about you all the time?"

“Honestly I don´t, but is something you get used to with time. When I was born my parents had their business running already, people used to come to me all the time to ask me about them and I just answered as I was growing there were photos taken of me where ever I went it was uncomfortable, but I dealt with it, is all I´ve known. At school all the kids approached me, but with time I learned that it was just because money. I could turned out to be the bad-boy who treats everyone like they are nothing, but I decide it against it, I just decide go along with people, but never let them approach me or my family too much; because I know most of them are my friends just for fame or money. It´s kind of depressing sometimes but you learn to appreciate true friends" He finished with a small smile leaving me stunned

I´ve never seen things from his perspective, I´ve always thought of him as the spoilt rich kid who enjoyed attention when reality is he is quite the opposite. Blake is just dealing with fake friends and constant whispering of him. I would have closed myself up to anyone a long time ago, although I think he doesn´t really talk about important things with everybody. Wow, I must be going crazy; I just admitted Blake isn´t as bad as I thought.

Trying to light up the mood I changed the topic quickly “Hey, how about we go to the mall for some ice-cream? My mom is in her afternoon shift and I don´t feel like going to an empty house"

He grinned “Sure, but I have a better idea of where to go" He said taking off his blindfold for the day and guiding me to where his car was parked.  I guess I´ll come for mine later.

"Okay. As long as I make it home safely tonight “I said to warily.

“Please, I wouldn’t let anything happen to you" I was about to reply a thank you but her quickly cut me in “Who would I have to annoy then?"

“You are such a Jerk" I muttered angrily, following him.

Twenty minutes later we were going inside his house, or mansion whatever suits.

“What are we doing here?” I asked taking of my seatbelt and stepping out of the car.

“That sweetheart is a secret I will not reveal” Blake said grinning, mischief in his eyes.

“I´m not sure I want to reveal it “I said  following him to the front door.  

His house never seems to stop amazing me, everything seems so spotless and in place, I wonder how many people they have to hire to keep this place clean.

“Coming or not sweetheart?” Blake asked from the kitchen door.

“I guess” I said sighting, I hate surprises and when they come from Blake I hate them even more.  

I followed him into the kitchen and then through a hallway that had several doors. Why would a kitchen have a hallway? Blake suddenly stopped at one of the doors and told me to close my eyes, of course I argued at first, but after a while I gave in.

“Ok, open your eyes now sweetheart” He whispered in my ear.

When I opened my eyes, I thought they were deceiving me; this place was too real to be true. My mouth was wide open and I must look like a kid on Christmas.

“Do you like it? “ Blake asked me chuckling.

“Are you kidding me I feel like Charlie and the chocolate factory” I told him amazed. All around the room there was candy; all types of it. Ice-cream, sprinkles, chocolate in all forms and sizes and the list went so on, you name it thay have it.  I wanted to run and eat all of it.

“Why do you even have a room like this?” I asked still looking at the candy.

Blake just shrugged “We like candy” He said as if it was no big deal “Now are you going to stand there or are we going to make the most amazing Ice-cream in the whole world?”

I grinned grabbing a plate which was also in a countertop inside the room filling it with all types of ice-cream flavors and toppings. “Make that the whole universe”

Once we were done making our fabulastic Ice-creams Blake guided me through his house to a room that seems like a theater, But with less and comfier seats. Really, who has this kind of rooms?

“Take a seat” Blake said pointing to the seats as he went in front was I think the movies are located.” What movie would you like to watch?” 

“Umm, I don´t know how about the notebook?” I asked hopeful, but also teasing because I know guys hate to watch chick-films.

“How about no. I gave you Ice-cream so I choose the movie, you lost your chance.”

“Fine, as long as is not another horror movie.” I pouted at him and snuggled into one of the chairs. Wow these are real cozy.

He grinned “Don´t worry, no bad monsters are going to get you this time. And you´ll have me to hug in case it happens” He said playfully winking at me.

I just glared at him rolling my eyes, I´m never watching a horror movie ever again.

Five minutes later Blake took the seat next to mine and The Avengers movie started playing.

“ Yey I love this movie!” I said happily.

" then we´ll have to change it"

"don´t. you .dare. " I said in a serious tone. making Blake laugh and hold his hands in surrender.

We were In the middle of the movie when a girl’s voice boomed through the room.

“Blake!” a girl with red straight hair and Blue eyes shouted as she ran to Blake and hugged him.

Blake lifted her from the ground and twirled her around her around the room, she wasn´t small or Petite but Blake was a good head above her.

“Harper! I can´t believe is really you. I´ve missed you so much; when did you got here? And why didn´t you tell me earlier, I could´ve go to the airport to pick you up.” Bake said to the girl I´ve discovered to be harper with the happiest grin I´ve ever seen on his face.

“ Don´t worry silly, I am capable of taking a taxi, plus I wanted it to be a surprise.” She replied grinning still holding onto Blake.

For some strange reason I felt annoyed with the pair in front of me, I had seen countless of girls flirting with Blake and it has never matter to me, why do I feel annoyed all of the sudden. Is because this is the only girl Blake has actually paid attention to? Ugh why do I even care!


hey guys, I reached 10,000 views!!!!! How amazing is that? thank you all, this is all thanks to you, and I can´t tell you how much I appreciate it., you guys are awesome :D.

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