~ Chapter 35 ~

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I am terribly sorry for my absence and the late update. Uni started and it´s taking a hold of most of my time with all of the readings and stuff I got. Anyway I will try to update as regularly as I can, hope you understand. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Please leave comments with your opinion, vote and follow.

Thanks for all the support, love @.


“Okay, mind telling me why you dragged me all the way here?" I asked Jake as he placed an iced tea in front of me.

“Easy the school hallways are way too crowded, but the school plaza is always empty “He replied with a boyish smile, avoiding my real question.

“Very clever, but now that we´re here you have to tell me exactly what happened with your mystery girl" I said to him taking a sip of my coffee as I watched as his expression morphed from a carefree one to a relieved but pained one.

“Well you know how I told you it went sort of good?" Jake question me playing with his now empty cup “Well we talked and I asked for forgiveness and you could say we´re in a good place right now"

"Jake not to be nosy or anything but I want details! You don´t want to give me her name at least tell me the whole story" I said with an exasperatedly voice.

“Fine, fine I´ll tell you" He said chuckling at my eagerness " I went up to her and asked if we could talk and almost received a shoe on my face; anyway when we were passed all the greetings she finally agreed and I asked for forgiveness for everything I had done and luckily she waited until I was finished and you were right Carrie talking to her did help; I felt like the burden was gone" Jake said smiling

“So you’re together now?" I asked happily almost jumping off my seat

Jake sighted “Not really. I mean is not that easy, what happened is not easy to leave behind, just because we are in good terms doesn´t mean that everything is suddenly restored you know. Trust must be earned and when it´s broken it isn´t something you recuperate easily; I guess we both know we have a long road ahead of us before anything happens, but we don´t even know for sure if our feelings will still be the same; but I´m glad because we both finally got closure and even if we don´t end up together I recuperated an important part of my life" He ended with a grin letting me know he was truly okay with how things turned out.

I rushed out of my chair and onto his side to crush him in a much needed hug " I´m glad you´re okay. Coming into term with past grudges is the best we can do because as they say the only way to let go is facing the problem"

Returning my hug Jake whispered in my ear " Que sera, sera"

 Letting go I giggled at his phrase “Wow, Mr. I know Spanish, very inspiring"

“What can I say it´s a gift, only few have, bonita "

“And the flirt is back" I said hitting him playfully in the arm” I can´t believe I didn´t notice how much of a flirt you are"

“Hey what can I say? That I don´t like you it doesn´t mean I´m blind" He said defending himself” and who knows we might have a chance further on" Jake said winking at me suggestively.

“I thought we had agreed that wasn´t possible" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"For now" He said kissing my cheek before he stood up "we have to get going before we get in trouble for leaving class” Taking a hold of my hand to help me stand up Jake guided me through the school grounds.

“Thanks for the company, Bonita mia “Jake said taking my hand and kissing it playfully.

“It was my pleasure, mio caro" I said following his nickname game.

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