~ chapter 9 ~

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Hey guys before the chapter I just want to thank all of you who are reading this book, Is just incredible and means a lot to me. thanks for your support and votes I really appreciate all of them. you guys are great. thanks to all of you :D  

Ps: picture of Blake´s house to the right ------------------------->

(Remember this is still unedited so it might contain mistakes.)


Well that's a change" I tell Blake as I glance at our locked hands.

"You think" he said sarcastically

On the councilors office GG and Gregory decided that they had to work on our non-loving relationship, as GG likes to call it. So what did they came up with? They decided to tie us up with this weird machine that starts beeping if we disconnect it for more than 10 minutes, so yeah the only time alone that we are going to have now is to go to the bathroom. Worst part? we have to be like this for twenty-four hours! And depending if we really were together the time we have to, they are going to let us check this task.

"So what now?" I ask Blake as we walk through the school halls.

"Well they told us that we could follow any of our schedules, I have calculus and you have art, so I say we find the art class" he said continuing walking.

"Fine with me" I answered trying to keep up with him.

When we got inside all eyes were on us, not just because of our locked hands but is not every day you see the most popular guy entering a classroom with the blue haired girl.

We took a seat at the empty table on the corner and waited for the teacher to arrive.

"Good afternoon boys and girls, welcome to a fantastic and new day, filled with rainbows and sunshine" Mrs. Harmony said and I just rolled my eyes, she was always this crazy, good mood person, how I don't have Idea.

I turned around and saw Blake ready to burst up laughing, which I wouldn't allow because even if she is all rainbows and sunshine when she is mad it's like Godzilla. Just in time I placed my hand over his mouth and his laugh came out muffled, so no one could really know what he was doing; without removing my hand I glared at him while the teacher continued talking.

"Today, my wonderful teddy bears, we are going to work with clay, we will be starting with the decoration of our next wonderful play" Mrs. Harmony said smiling. "Please choose a partner and go get some clay and water to start working my little chocolates"

I pulled on to our tied hands to drag Blake with me so we could find clay instead of him laughing at my crazy teacher.

Several people greeted Blake on our way there and he said hi back,  girls tried to flirt with him, with no avail, guess he thinks they are not enough for his 'status' spoiled brat. The weird part is when they also flirted and glared at me the first one being the boys and the later the girls. I just smiled.

"So this is how your life is, huh?" I asked Blake once we had left the people behind

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said while grabbing the clay.

"oh please, don't try being modest, I'm talking about all the attention you get, people looking out for you, trying to be you acting like you; I admit it's a little flattering on the beginning, but then I don't know how you can honesty like it" I told him

"Who said I like it?" and with that he stomped back to our seat dragging me with him. wow, talk about mood changer!

Once we were seated, we opened our bags and tried to do our work, the main work being tried, you see it's really hard working with one and a half hand, so our work looks really bad, because I continue pulling my hand towards my work, dragging his hand and he is doing the same. This is so not working

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