It's A Small World After All

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I wake up on Saturday morning in a daze. Yesterday was so weird and wonderful, and my stomach fills with butterflies at the mere thought of him. Calum. He was so beautiful, and I was so stunned, almost like I'd been hypnotized. Sitting up in bed, I rub my eyes and check my phone. A new message from Amanda from last night. Crap. I open it.

We won the lacrosse game 22-0! Victory party at Clark's tonight...pretty sure at least half the school is going to be there. Are you coming?

I smile to myself. Of course we won. River View doesn't lose, period. I text her back and tell her I'll be there, and then slump back onto my pillow. It's a beautiful day outside, but I have to be at work in an hour so I savor my last few minutes of restfulness. I wonder if Calum is going to be at the party. Is he a good dancer? What if he asks me to dance? What if he doesn't even talk to me? My mind races with possibilities. Pinching my eyes shut, I silently vow not to think of him any more for the rest of the day. Then, I sit up again, jump out of bed, and pull on a Peter Gabriel t-shirt and some jeans. Once I'm on my third cup of coffee, I'm feeling slightly more controlled. I grab my bag and head for the door. When I sneak a peek at my face in the hallway mirror, a noise of disgust escapes my mouth. Frantically I try to smooth down my mass of curly hair. It's only somewhat effective, so I sigh and grab my keys, locking the door behind me.

After wasting my refreshed energy on an uneventful four hour shift at Barnes & Noble, I slowly climb back into the drivers' seat of my '76 Impala and slouch down behind the wheel, suppressing a groan. The party is in half an hour and I still haven't changed out of my work clothes. Parties aren't really my scene. I like the idea behind them but I can never bring myself to actually socialize when I'm there. I did promise Amanda that I would go, though. And maybe I'll see Calum, too. The thought makes me perk up, and I grab my change of clothes and head into the Target bathroom next door. Since it's kind of cold and December is approaching fast, I change into a navy blue sweater dress and white flats. My hair is mildly calmer now. I'm still nervous that it will reduce to its natural state, so I push it back with a thin black headband. The exciting yet terrifying notion that I might run into Calum again lingers in the back of my mind; so to stay on the safe side, I put on a little makeup and some perfume just in case. Taking a step back I analyze myself in the mirror. My legs are a little too long, my cheeks are a little too round, and my eyes are a little too far apart. But my glasses accentuate my face very nicely. I stand up a little straighter, and practice smiling. Perfect. I walk out of the Target and back to my car.

Clark, the lacrosse team's best player, owns a penthouse apartment in the heart of Miami big enough for 20 people. As far as I know, only he and his brother live there; but they don't mind displaying their parents' wealth for the entire city to see. The elevator pings, announcing my arrival on the top floor, and the music is thumping through the walls. As soon as the door slides open, Amanda sprints towards me and wraps me up in a hug. "I'm so glad you came!" she gushes. I smile and pull back, holding her at arms length, and study her. She looks absolutely gorgeous in a short strapless yellow dress and glittering silver pumps, her hair falling loosely around her shoulders. "I wouldn't miss it," I say. "You look gorgeous, by the way." She grins and says "You too!" before grabbing my hand, leading me into the crowded space. Amanda was right; a large portion of the entire school was now cramped into Clark's too-big living area. Lights were flashing and everyone stood close together, moving rhythmically to the music. It was business as usual: girls huddled together in big packs while guys acted like complete jackasses to impress them. Couples were draped lazily around couches and tables, sloppily kissing and drinking beer. Plastic cups already littered a small portion of the floor. Some boys from the swim team sit at a table in the back corner playing beer pong. I search the room frantically for Calum, but he is nowhere to be seen. I let out a small sigh of disappointment and walk over to some girls I know at the bar.

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