Getting To Know You

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Trees slowly begin to lose their leaves, and the air turns chilly, nipping at bare skin, as the nights get longer and days shorten. December is here, and the hustle and bustle around the school could only mean one thing - winter formal. Dances are not my strong point; at River View, events like prom and homecoming typically have unspoken reservations for large groups of friends or couples to attend together. Although I have neither of those things, I heard from Ashton that the formal committee booked live entertainment this year, and I've always been a sucker for hearing a good band now and then. However, the only time I've ever been to a high school dance was my sophomore year, and the highlight of the night was Kyle Hopewell drinking too many Monster energies and throwing up all over the Snow Queen from last year's dance, Serena Jones. It was truly mortifying for all parties involved. While admittedly, it was a sight to behold, I don't fancy returning to another dance.

Since I'd told Michael about the road trip he'd suggested that I hang out more with the lads, so that weekend, he took me to an arcade and promptly beat out every single game in the whole place. I've never been good at video games, so needless to say I was utterly amazed. It was so much fun as he led me through each game. After I gave up, we ordered some pizzas and he finished an entire box by himself, and then explained to me his love for pizza. (Apparently he had written a song called Pizza, which just consisted of three electric guitar chords and the repeated phrase "Michael wants another slice.") I was pretty surprised as we talked. Despite his somewhat rough appearance, he's very gentle and carefree. I warmed up to him immediately.

Ashton took me to the Miami Music Festival the following Saturday, and even though Luke went with us, he spoke mostly to Ashton, and when he did talk to me it was very brief and he didn't make eye contact. I can't help but feel a little upset. This must be what Calum felt like when he said I was "holding back on him". How incredibly frustrating. I know there's an amazing person hidden inside Luke somewhere, but he won't let me see it because maybe he's unsure of me, or maybe he just doesn't trust me. Whatever it is, I hope that by being around me more, he can get past it. I'd love to know more about him.

I was just about to text Calum and see if he wanted to do something when my phone started ringing in my hands. When I glance at the caller ID, a grin spreads across my face and I hold the phone up to my ear. "Calum," I answer. "Hannah," he replies. I pause for a second, but as soon as I open my mouth to speak, he says, "There's something I want to ask you." Slightly surprised, I blink. "Um, okay." Through the phone I hear him shuffling his feet as he so often does. "Would you like to go to the winter formal together?" This is not what I was expecting at all. My jaw drops. Formal. With Calum. That means music, and dim lights, and possibly a slow dance. A slow dance! My fingers twitch. I want it. I want him. In the most stable voice I can muster, I reply, "That sounds great."

I can hear him smile through the receiver. "Then what time should I pick you up tomorrow, Miss Stone?" My heart skips a beat. His voice sounds so formal, deep and sexy, as if he was beckoning me to my fate. "Seven would probably work best," I answer. "Perfect. Tomorrow, then." And before I can say another word, the line hangs up. The entire chain of events that just occurred takes about twenty seconds to sink in. As soon as I realize what's happening, I jump up and start dancing around my room. I'm going to the winter formal. With a date. And not just any date, the Australian bass guitar god, Calum Hood.

For most of the school day I find it hard to pay attention. How the hell did I manage to attract the desire of such an unapproachable creature? When the final bell rings, I realize I need to look nothing short of stunning tonight if I plan to pull this off; so I call up Hayley and Angelica and tell them I have an emergency. They show up to my house no more than ten minutes later. We all stand in my room as I explain the date situation for tonight; then I open my closet, face them, and say, "Fix me."

Looking flawless is a lot more difficult than a simple "fix me", however - the next three hours teach me that. It's almost like Angelica came prepared; she pulls out a long, shimmering ice blue dress with lace trim. "Bought this for you last week just in case," she grins. "Aww," I say. "It's gorgeous. Thank you." Hayley starts digging through my closet to find shoes to match. Finally she pulls out a pair of glass heels and holds them up to the light. "Cinderella, much?" She asks in a skeptical voice. I laugh, and she puts the shoes with the rest of my clothes. After what seems like an eternity of waxing, curling, hairspraying, and adjusting, I turn to face myself in the mirror and let out a small gasp.

My normally wild hair falls perfectly down either side of my face in soft, silky curls. The dress hugs my waist and shows off my neckline beautifully, giving my whole body the appearance of a dainty snowflake. My eyes glitter under the light and my cheeks glow - a dark cherry colored lipstick coats my mouth. Turning my head to the side, a glint of silver from my chandelier earrings catches in the light.

I don't get dressed up much, but right now I feel like royalty. I'll admit, I look good; relaxed, poised, confident...all the things I'm not."Oh my god." was all I could manage. Hayley stands back and admires her work. "You're ready, young grasshopper," Angelica says with a nod of approval.

When they get dressed and come out of my bedroom, I stare in awe. Hayley is wearing a short pink bubble dress and her brown hair is pulled back in an elegant braid. She masterfully walks over to me in a pair of black stilettos with silver heels and sits back on the couch by the door. Still gawking, I turned back to look at Angelica. She glides across the room in a tight black gown that goes down past her ankles and trails behind her. Tan pumps peek out under the lining, and her black hair is sleek and shining over her back.

"You guys look smokin'," I say. They laugh. "Hannah, you look incredible too," Angelica replies, poking my arm. "You're so gorgeous. You should flaunt it." I roll my eyes. She's just being a good friend, and I appreciate the compliment. But I'm not really doing any of this for myself. I check the clock on my phone; its 6:27.

They exchange a knowing look, and Hayley grins at me slyly. "Sooo, who's the hot date?" My mouth falls open. Great. The interrogation begins. I might as well tell them, since they won't give up until I do, so I throw my hands in the air. "His name is Calum, okay?" Angelica emits a small gasp. "Wait, Calum? As in senior-bass-guitar-playing-dark-skinned-god, Calum?" "Yes!" I exclaim. "That's the one! He is a god, isn't he?" I flop back on the couch and sigh. "His arms, and his hair, just, ugh...everything about him is delicious." Angelica laughs. "Have you seen his tattoos?" "They're sooo hot," I smile.

"And his accent," she sighs. "What a hunk." I giggle. Hayley looks utterly bewildered. "How do you know everyone in the entire school?" She asks dryly. "Uh, hello? It's my job." Last semester, Angelica joined yearbook for an extra activity to go on her college applications. Since then she has memorized the names of every single hot guy currently attending River View ("It helps for the future to weed out any unlikelies," she explained to me). "Anyway," she continues, giving me a suggestive look, "I'm not surprised at all that he's into you. You're a catch and a half."

We talk until 6:50, and then I thank them for coming over as they leave. "My pleasure," says Hayley, giving me a warm hug. "You look stunning." I wave goodbye to Angelica as they roll out of the driveway. Formal doesn't start for about another hour, but they left early to go meet up with some other friends, so now I'm alone again. I sit gently back on the couch, fold my dress neatly under me, and wait.

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