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The duo continued to run until they were stopped by a young boy sitting on a bench

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The duo continued to run until they were stopped by a young boy sitting on a bench. He held a book in his hand that he put away and looked up.

"Dejun?" Yangyang asked, surprised to see his old friend here.

"Long time no see Yangyang," Dejun said. Shuhua waved at him and he waved back.

"We're kind of in a hurry..." Shuhua interrupted.

"Ah, it's okay, I understand. Carry on, it was nice seeing you again."

Yangyang didn't return a smile to Dejun. He felt prideful; at least he was almost close to his mission. Dejun, on the other hand, didn't even believe him.

A while later, the two stopped and panted for air. They found themselves in an area where the land was deserted. A few pieces of grass grew here and there. Yangyang looked up and his eyes widened. Before him stood a huge vehicle that was 2 or 3 times taller than him. The object of interest had two rectangles of metal attached to its side and also had a tail. It looked close to an airplane but it was way better. The one and only atmosplane was in front of Yangyang and Shuhua.

"What..." Yangyang gazed with amazement. "An atmosplane?"

Shuhua wore a huge smile on her face and nodded happily. Her eyes twinkled when she saw Yangyang's face turn into a big grin.

"This is amazing! Where did you find it, Shuhua?"

"Well, I was going to our tree but I got asked to water the flowers -- the kids at the orphanage had recently started to grow some. After that, I was told to go plant more flowers behind the orphanage. When I went there, well--" Shuhua gestured to the atmosplane "--I found this."

"How did you bring it here?"

"I flew it, you dummy," Shuhua commented. "There was a manual inside it so I just read and operated it. I was going to let you know that we didn't need to go all the way to Taipei but by then it was too late. I placed my things inside and then flew this to the nearest open space I could find."

"Oh, makes sense."

Shuhua hopped onto the atmosplane and found her seat. She wrapped the seat belt around her and then looked out the window. The young girl shook her head at Yangyang who wouldn't stop gazing at the atmosplane.

"Hurry up Yangie, you don't want to get caught do you?"

Yangyang grinned. Finally, he could say goodbye to this town.

For a quick moment, guilt flashed across his face. He could've helped his father and brother to get out of here too. Yangyang shook his head; he knew they would never agree to this. Besides, he would do this to prove to Hendery and Dejun that there truly was a world above them. Finally, he needed to know how his mother was.

The boy climbed onto the atmosplane and placed his huge black duffel bag aside. Shuhua patted the seat next to her, motioning Yangyang to sit next to her. The brown haired boy did and he glanced outside. The doors automatically closed and the duo took off immediately.

Next moment, everything went pin drop silent in the plane.


▪ 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 ▪Where stories live. Discover now