Chapter 4: friends?

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The next morning you do your usual routine of waking up, drinking a bottle of elixir, and getting your uniform on.

You look at yourself in the mirror.

This stupid curse. It's obviously getting worse...

You sigh and leave the room.

You head down the halls and wander a bit.

You turn a corner only to walk directly into someone.

"Oh titan- I'm so sorry." You stutter, backing up only to be face to face with Lilith.

"It's alright. You're Y/n, correct?" She asks.

You nod. "I'm excited to see what you bring to the table. The Golden Guard says you're quite the powerful witch." She smiles.

You smile back when suddenly a hand grabs your arm from behind you.

You quickly turn around and put the person behind you in a choke hold before recognizing it as Hunter. You quickly release him.

Lilith chuckles. "You should do that more often."

"Stop trying to steal my second in command." He scoffs.

Lilith rolls her eyes and walks off.

He turns to you and you lean against the wall.

"I actually don't have any mission for today." He says.

"Wanna hang out?" You ask.

He tilts his head slightly.

"Hang out? Have you never had a break?" You raise an eyebrow.

"I never need one. Belos says-"

"How about you forget Belos for a day. Take some time to relax! Have fun!" You say, interrupting him

"I guess I could.." he mumbles.

"Great!" You grab his arm and lead him to your room.

"Step 1 of a break. Put on casual clothes. You're not working so there's no need!" You pull out one of your sweaters and a skirt for yourself and rummage around a bit before pulling out a hoodie and some jeans for him.

"Here. Try these on." You hand him the hoodie and jeans and step out of your room.

He eventually comes out.

"This is- how do I describe this? It's so.."

"Comfortable? Have you seriously never had comfy clothing before...?" You ask.

He shakes his head.

You sit there, taken aback before quickly heading to your room and changing.

"Ok, next step is for your mask. I get you probably don't want a face reveal thing for me yet so just put on a bandana or something." You hand him a grey bandana.

He hesitates for a moment before nodding and going to a corner of your room.

You face the other way as he puts the bandana on.

"Ok. You can look." He says.

You turn around and look into his eyes.

They're pretty mesmerizing. If only you could see the rest of his face...

You smile at him.

"Now for the most important step, doing whatever the heck you want! Come on, I've been meaning to go to town a buy a few things!" You grab his hand and run out of you room.

Cursed (Golden Guard x Reader) ⚠️ DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now