Chapter 5: grom

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You slowly open your eyes and see the all too familiar golden mask above your face.

"Please stop coming into my room and watching me sleep." You groan, pushing him out of the way.

"I'm just making sure you will be ready in time for grom. You've already been to hexside so chances are staff will recognize you. So to fix that we will both wear these masquerade type masks. Sound good?" He asks, tossing you a small mask to cover your eyes.

"I guess." You shrug.

"I'll see you tonight then. We leave at 6." He says, waving before walking out of your room.

You roll out of your bed and walk over to your closet. You pick through your dresses, trying every single one on, but eventually decide to just wear a suit. You pull your hair back into a bun and place a single rose behind your ear.

You smile at your reflection.

You can't help but feel like you forgot something.

But what..?

Eh if you forgot about it then it surely isn't that important.

You check the time.

"Wh- how is it 5:30 already?" You stutter.

"Wait I mean I guess I woke up at 2pm then spent hours trying on old dresses yeah this makes sense." You mumble to yourself before heading out of your room and down the halls.

You wander throughout the castle for the next 20 minutes before hearing a door open down a hall.

You turn the corner into the hall and see someone closing the door.

"Oh! Y/n!" Hunter looks up at you. He isn't wearing his mask yet.

Your eyes widen as you examine him in his suit.

"You look-" you both start at the same time.

"Hey, I was talking." You glare at him.

"So was I. I'm your superior." He glares back.

"Ever heard of ladies first?" You ask.

"Ugh, who cares about women." He rolls his eyes but then freezes.

"That was a joke by the way women are very important-" he quickly says.

You burst out laughing and he chuckles a bit.

"You look good though." You add in between laughs.

"I know. And so do you I guess." He hums.

The two of you head outside and fly off to hexside.

Once you reach the entrance to the school your eyes widen.

"It's been a while." You chuckle, putting on your mask.

He puts on his as well and the two of you head inside.

You follow the other students to the gym and see everyone dancing around.

"There she is." Hunter nudges your arm and points to an old looking lady leaning against a wall.

"Y'know, I've always kinda admired her. The way she gets away with pretty much everything is pretty impressive." You say.

"Wh- you can't admire a criminal!" Hunter whisper yells at you.

"Mmm I hate to break it to ya but I think I can." You smirk.

Hunter leads you to the dance floor.

"Care for a dance, m'lady?" He asks, bending down.

"Why of course my good sir." You chuckle.

Cursed (Golden Guard x Reader) ⚠️ DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now