Chapter 20: welcome back

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You wake up to Hunter standing directly over you.

"Oh, how I've missed this." You blankly stare at him.

"Hi~!" He hums.

You tiredly push him away and sit up.

"Because you're back in the coven, you're returning to your status as my second in command! Now, that would be exciting if I were allowed to go on any missions.... It's pretty boring right now.." he mumbles.

"You're not allowed on missions?" You ask.

"Well- I failed at getting the palismen and I've been sort of distracted lately so... Belos doesn't need me ruining anything else.." he explains.

Holy Titan- what has Belos done to this poor guy's self esteem??

"Ah. So... does this mean... I can just..." you slowly lie back down and pull the covers over your head, only for them to be yanked back down.

"No. You're coming with me!" He picks you up and hands you your uniform.

It's been a while since you wore this..

He leaves the room and waits for you to get changed.

Instead, you grab your bedsheets, tying them together and throwing them out the window to make a way down.

You get one leg over the window before Hunter walks in again.

"Sorry I'm not looking I swear I just forgot to give you your cape-" he mumbles, covering his eyes.

"Uh.." you stutter.

He removes his hand, hearing how far away your voice is, and blankly stares at you.

"Hunter! Hi! I'm just... stretching my calves on the windowsill!" You laugh.

"Uh huh.... You know how trackers work, right?" He asks.

You sigh and pull the rope back in.

"Eda said with the curse you can eventually remove your limbs. Here! Pull on my arm!" You reach your hand out to him.

".... No.." He slowly pushes your hand away and shoves the uniform towards you.

You roll your eyes and he leaves the room while you change.

After changing you walk out of your room, only to see Hunter swatting and running away from the small red bird.

"Shoo! Leave me alone!" He whisper yells.

The palismen flies over to you and nuzzles into your cheek.

"Aww! Hello lil guy!" You chuckle, stroking it's head gently.

Hunter walks up to you and picks up the bird.

"What did I say about leaving my room? If Belos finds you he would- it wouldn't end well. Now shoo!" The bird flies away and he sighs.

"Things gonna get itself killed." He groans, turning back to you.

"Why does Belos need me back here anyways?" You ask.

"He needs you for the day of unity. He's had his eye on you for the coven since before you joined even!" Hunter says.

But he didn't know about me until I came to him about the curse... right? He knew I'd never join the coven back when I was in school. So how did he-

Your eyes widen and you run down the halls towards Belos's throne room.

Hunter chases after you as you burst into the room.

Cursed (Golden Guard x Reader) ⚠️ DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now