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Dear Aspen,I remember the first time I saw you

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Dear Aspen,
I remember the first time I saw you. It was our first year at Hogwarts. I had been sorted into Gryffindor and I was sitting at the table while the rest of the first years were sorted. I watched Regulus get sorted into Slytherin and my heart broke. James was talking to me, trying to make me feel better, I reckon. Then I turned my head and saw you. James' words faded into the background and it was like nothing else mattered. I watched you walk over to the table and sit down next to Marlene. The feast began and I could barely focus on the food because I couldn't stop watching you. James always tells Lily when he saw her, it was love at first sight. Now you know me and you know that because of how screwed up I am, I could never have that. But it's important you know this. When I saw you, I knew you were going to be someone important to me. Maybe not love, but I just knew, from the moment I looked into your eyes, you were special. Special to me. I'll never forget that light I saw, like everything would be ok as long as you were there.I'll also never forget how the light left your eyes when you died.

That light died with you. And so did the light in me.

                                                 Sirius Black
The boys were never hard to find. Not in the sense that they were predictable, that's rather obvious. The Marauders were many things. You could use many words, positive or negative, to describe them. But let me be clear, predictable isn't one. I reckon reliable is more accurate. I could always rely on them. To cheer me up, help with homework, even just silent company. They were there. Reliable, I thought.
I was wrong.

I rarely get a quiet moment at home with mum. She's very similar to James. They both show clear signs of ADHD. Now when I told her that, she laughed and told me I worry too much. When I told James that, he stared at me like I'd gone mad. Then I remembered wizards don't use the same psych terminology as we do. Once I explained it, he told me Lily says the same thing. Only she would never explain it. Sounds like her. Anyway, I was enjoying the quiet moment I had on the train and started to read a new book mum had bought me. She owns a bakery and the only thing she reads are recipes. But they are always delicious, nonetheless. I reckon I got my booksmarts from dad. He died when I was 4. I don't know how he died. Mum doesn't want to talk about it. "Ah, found our lucky Penny!" I looked up and James had swung open the door to my cabin. There goes the quiet. "James, have you ever heard of knocking?" I said. "Oh I'm sorry to interrupt you fantasy snog sesh with whatever bloke you are reading about" he said. I rolled my eyes. "I would offer to let you read it after me but that would require you to stop obsessing over Lily and actually do something productive." I said. He chuckled. "I missed you, Pen." he said. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Miss you more, Prongs" I said. "Tell me your mum packed you some of those mincepies," he said. "She baked them with love," I said as I handed him my bag. He quickly dug in and began eating them. "Save some for the rest of the boys. Speaking of, where are they?" I asked. "Sirius was arguing with Regulus about something. Remus and Peter went looking for you." he said. I glared at him. "You left Sirius alone with Regulus?!" I exclaimed. He sighed. "Regulus insisted they talk in private," he said. I rolled my eyes again and grabbed my things. "I'm going to go get him. Stay here." I said. James grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Are you sure going down to the snakes section is a good idea?" he asked. "Why because I'm a muggleborn?" I asked. "Come on, Pen. You know what's going on, don't you?" he said. I nodded. "I do. Which is exactly why I'm going to get him. Stay here, you'll only cause a ruckus." I said. He groaned. "Fine. Be careful." he said. "I will." I said and I left. I walked down the aisle of the train and towards where most of the Slytherins sat. Then I saw a flash of jet black hair and heard Sirius. I knew his voice everywhere. Especially that whisper-yelling thing he does. Not nearly as discreet as he thinks it is. I quickly walked down the aisle and drew my wand, just in case. I turned the corner and saw them talking. "Don't act all high and mighty, brother. It was you who left me. I'm not the bad guy." Regulus snapped. "And I am? You were the one who told me to leave!" he said. "I didn't mean it! I was a child." he said. "So was I!" Sirius yelled. "Sirius," I said calmly as I walked over. My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking. I wasn't afraid of Regulus. Or at least, that's what I told myself. He wasn't nearly as bad as some of his friends but he was not kind. Sirius whipped around and looked at me. His face softened and I gave him a small smile. "Sirius, let's go." I said. "We aren't finished." Regulus spat. He glared at me with the same look most purebloods gave. "You are now. Go back to your pureblood mania cult." I said. "Don't speak to me, you mudblood filth." he hissed. I looked at Sirius and I knew what was about to happen. His eyes went dark and he glared at Regulus. "Fucking say that again!" Sirius yelled as he launched forward. He grabbed Regulus and pinned him to the wall. Before Regulus could even grab his wand, Sirius had his digging into his neck. "Sirius, stop!" I exclaimed. "Don't you ever fucking call her that again. Do you understand me?" he yelled. "Yes. Now let me go," Regulus said. Sirius was seething. I placed a hand on his wrist and pulled it away from Regulus's collar. He looked at me and I nodded. "It's ok. Let's just leave." I said. Sirius shoved Regulus back as he let go and turned away. Before we could leave, Regulus spoke again. "It's a good thing you left. Our family never loved you anyways." he said. Sirius stopped and looked at the ground. I took Sirius's hand and looked at Regulus one last time. "He doesn't need your love. He has mine." I said.

Sirius looked at me and he smiled, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Are you alright?" I asked. He nodded. "Uh, you meant just as friends right? The whole love thing?" he said. This used to hurt me. But I don't even blink anymore. "Yeah, friends." I said. I took his hand and dragged him all the way back to our cabin. When I opened the door, Regulus and Peter were there. "Finally, I was worried you all fell off the train." James said. "And yet you stayed here, eating all the mince pies" Sirius said as we sat down. "How can we not? They're the best." Peter said. "Pen told me to stay put and the last time I disobeyed orders, she hexed my hair pink." James said. "David Bowie wore it better." Remus said. "Speaking of, you'll never guess what I got," I said. "What?" he asked. "I got Bowie's 1976 album 'Station to Station'." I said. His grin grew and Sirius clapped. "Brilliant!" Sirius said. "Tonight we can celebrate our final year at Hogwarts with a ceremonial drinking and dancing rendezvous in our dorm. After the feast." James said. "You want to get drunk the night before our first day of lessons?! Bloody hell, James. You're a prefect!" I said. "Exactly. So now, we won't get caught." he said. We all laughed. "He's got a point." Peter said. "Didn't Lily talk to you about setting an example for the younger students?" Sirius asked. "Yes...and?" James said. "Drinking on a school night doesn't seem like the best example," Peter said. "Well you and I differ in that opinion then, Wormtail. I think the children should let loose if they please." James said. I sighed. "You are a fool, Prongs" I said. "You love me" he said with a cheesy grin. I chuckled. "I'll talk to Lily. She can do with a bit of fun before the year." I said. "Excellent. We have a plan, folks" Sirius said. We spent the rest of the train ride laughing and planning pranks.

Little did I know, this was the calm before the storm.

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