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Dear Aspen,

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Dear Aspen,

The only thing worse than losing you, is knowing I lost you because of my brother. I don't want to believe it. But deep down, I know it's true. We all do.

                                                       Sirius Black


"Sirius, we need to be smart about this-" Remus started. "No! He fucking killed her! The only good thing in my life and he fucking took that too!" I yelled. "We don't know it was him." Remus said. "Yeah, Sirius. Do you really think Regulus would kill her?" James asked. I started pacing and Aspen just stood there. "Say something! Say it was him!" I yelled at her. "I can't do that, Sirius. I can't tell you who it was." she said. "If it was my fucking brother, you better tell me!" I yelled. "I'm sorry." she said. "Tell me! Fucking tell me!" I yelled. But she vanished. "Fuck!" I screamed, throwing everything off the desk and punching a hole in the wall. James grabbed me and pulled me to the ground as I struggled and fought. "Shhh, calm down. I've got you." he whispered. "I need to know." I said. He nodded. "And we will." Remus said.


"Are we sure about this?" I asked nervously. "Yes." James said. "Sirius, we all know Regulus didn't kill her. But he might have seen them do it." Remus said. I nodded. "He's more likely to talk to us than Malfoy or the Lestrange brothers." James said. "If we want to find out what happened to her, we have to talk to him calmly." Remus added. I nodded. Then the door opened and Regulus walked in. "I got your note, Sirius. What do you want-" he started. Then he saw them. "What are they doing here?" he asked. Peter stepped behind him, blocking the door. "What's going on?" he asked. "Sit down, Reggie." I said. He paused at my use of his nickname. I haven't called him that in a long time. He sat down and I sat at the desk across from him. "Aspen is dead and we know you know why." I said. His face paled. "I don't know what you're talking about." he said. "Don't lie." I said. "Come on, Black. We figured it all out." James said. "We traced her steps. We know you and your friends were bullying her in the old potions room the day she died." Remus added. "So?" he snapped. "So, you were the last person to see her before she died." I said. He looked away, avoiding my eyes. "I didn't see anything. We didn't do anything." he mumbled. Tears filled my eyes. "Please, Reg. Tell me what happened to her. Tell me what they did." I said. He looked at me and tears spilled down my cheeks. "Please, I'm begging you." I said. He gave a solemn look and stood up. "Blacks don't beg." he said. Then he turned to leave. "But I guess you aren't a Black anymore, are you?" he said. Then he tried to leave. I grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "No!" I yelled. I threw him in the chair and drew my wand. "Incarcerous!" I said. Ropes tied him to the chair and he struggled. "Sirius! Unhand me! Now or I will-" he started. "Arrete!" I said sharply. His face fell and he stilled. I dug my wand into his chest and James stared at me. "Sirius-" he started. I ignored him. "Tell me what you did to her, or I'll kill you too." I said. "You wouldn't kill your own brother." he said. "We aren't brothers anymore. Like you said." I said. He stared at me. "Tell me!" I yelled. "I don't know what you're talking about!" he yelled back. "Tell me what you did to her! Please, I just want to know." I said choking back a sob. He stared at me. "I loved her, Reg. Please." I cried. "I can't help you." he said, avoiding my eyes. A sob wracked my chest and I turned away, leaning on a desk. Remus sliced the ropes with his wand and Regulus stood up. "I'm sorry I can't help you." he said. Then he left. James pulled me into his arms and I sobbed. "I just want to know what happened to her." I cried. "I know." he said.


"They know." I said as I walked into Lucius's dorm. "They know what?" he asked. "Sirius and his friends. They know we were there. They know what happened!" I said. "You told them?!" he exclaimed. "No, but- they know we were in the potions room. They know we were the last ones to see her." I said. "They don't know anything. Not unless you tell them." he said. "I think I should." I said quietly. He looked at me sharply. "Don't you dare." he said. "My brother was in love with her. It's my fault she's gone. We could have helped her- we could have-" I started. "We could have but we didn't. That mudblood is dead and the world is better off!" he spat. My face fell. "I didn't mean to-" I said. "But you did. And your parents would be proud." he said. I nodded. "You should be proud." he said. But I'm not proud. I'm guilty.

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