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Dear Aspen,

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Dear Aspen,

All the things I never said, I'm going to say now. Even if it's not real, I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to say it because if I don't, I'll regret it. And I don't need any more of that.

                                                         Sirius Black


"So, now what?" I had just stepped foot in my dorm and when I turned around she was there again. "Aspen, tell me where you were. Please. Just tell me where you went. I'll figure the rest out, I promise." I said. "Fine. But you have to tell me something first." she said. "Is that how this works?" I asked. She smirked. "I'm not sure. But I need to know." she said. I nodded. "Do you recognize what I'm wearing?" she asked. I smiled. "Yes." I said. Her eyes lit up and she looked down at her outfit. She was wearing the same clothes she wore the day I asked her out. Our first and last kiss.

"I still remember that day

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"I still remember that day. Yet another one of my regrets." I said. Her face fell. "You regret it?" she asked. "I regret not going on that date. I regret not kissing you again and telling my brother to fuck off." I said. She nodded. "I wish I could kiss you." I said. She looked at me sadly. "Aspen, I need to tell you something." I said. "I know, Sirius-" she started. "Let me say it. I never said it and I need to say it." I said. She nodded. "Ok. Say it." she said. "I- I love you. I always did. From the moment I laid eyes on you. I loved you. And I'm sorry I never told you. I was scared. I was so scared and now-" I started, choking back a sob. Tears filled her eyes. "Now you're gone. And I'll never have the chance-" I said as sobs wracked my body. My legs buckled beneath me and I fell to my knees. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Aspen." I sobbed. She stood there and I reached out to wrap my arms around her. I looked up at her and she nodded. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her stomach. She was warm, alive. It felt so real. "I love you. I love you. I love you." I cried. Her hand rested on my shoulders and she stroked my hair gently. "It's ok." she said softly. Sobs shook my body and tears streamed down my cheeks. "I l-lo- loved you." I cried. "It's ok." she whispered. I heard footsteps outside the door and the handle shook. "Sirius, open the door. I forgot my key!" James yelled. I stood up wiping my tears. "Aspen, I-" I started. She smiled at me and wiped a tear from her cheek. "The old potions room. Peeves will know who was there." she said. The door opened and James walked in. "What are you-" he started. I looked at him and his face fell. "Oh- are you alright?" he asked. "I'm fine." I said. I turned back to Aspen but she was gone. "Sirius?" James said. "The old potions room. That's where she went." I said. He looked at me strangely. "How do you know?" he asked. "I just do! We have to ask Peeves who was there with her." I said. "Mate, who told you this?" he asked. "I- I found out." I said. He nodded. "Fine. We can go tomorrow." he said. "No! We have to go tonight!" I exclaimed. "Sirius, when's the last time you slept?" he asked. I groaned. "Piss off. I said I'm fine." I snapped. "You know what, fine. But we go tomorrow. With Remus and Peter." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I mumbled. "Why don't you get some sleep?" James suggested. It was valid. I hadn't slept in a while. "Promise we'll go tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded. "Ok." I said.


We were walking down the halls, on our way to Peeves when I saw Aspen again. She started walking next to me and I let James and Remus get a few feet ahead of us. "You left?" I said. "You needed sleep." she said. "I- how did I touch you?" I asked. "I let you." she said. "Why wouldn't you let me before?" I asked. "I'm not sure." she said. I nodded. "We're going to talk to Peeves." I said. She nodded, exhaling a shaky breath. "Sirius, when you find out who was there, I want you to stay calm." she said. I looked at her strangely. "Why?" I asked. "Because I don't want you to do something you regret. You don't need any more regrets, remember?" she asked. I nodded. "Ok." I said, not fully understanding her warning. We turned the corner and Peeves was floating around. "Peeves!" I called out. "Ah the troublemakers." he said. "We need to ask you something." James said. "Go on," he said. "On the day our friend died, she was in the old potions room. Who was there with her?" I asked. "They're mean. Mean mean boys. Cruel to the poor girl. She was already crying and they made it worse. Mean mean boys." he said. "Who?" I asked. "Lucius Malfoy, Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange-" he started. "I fucking knew it!" James yelled. "And Regulus Black." he added. I froze. "My brother?" I asked. He nodded. I turned to Aspen and she smiled. "I'm sorry, Sirius." she said.

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