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Dear Aspen,

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Dear Aspen,

I'm going to tell you something else I should have told you sooner. A story. It was our 3rd year at Hogwarts. The day of Quidditch tryouts. I was so excited. I had been practicing so much and I had a new broom. I was sure I was going to make the team. But I didn't. You were in the stands with Lily and Remus and you were watching us, cheering us on. I wanted to impress you so badly. But then Davey Rickets came over. He started flirting with you and that's why I fell off my broom. I told everyone that it was the wind. James was the only one that knew it was because of you. I wasn't even angry that I didn't make the team. I was angry that another guy looked at you the way I did.

Now I can never look at you again.

Sirius Black



It's been 2 weeks since school started and things are going good. Remus and the rest of the boys got through the first full moon with minimal injuries. Regulus and I are handling potions in a somewhat civil matter. And the first quidditch game is tonight. It's Gryffindor vs Slytherin and I'm excited. Lily, Marlene, Mary, Dorcas, Alice and I are all getting ready for the game together in Lily and I's dorm. I decided on my outfit and Lily curled my hair.

When we got to the field, we got to the spots Remus had saved for us and sat down

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When we got to the field, we got to the spots Remus had saved for us and sat down. A few moments later, I saw our team fly out. I cheered and Remus began his commentary. 27 minutes later, the Gryffindors were screaming and clapping as Remus announced our victory. Everyone headed back to the common room for the ritual party that takes place after every game. There was music and butterbeer. Then the team came running in with the trophy. Laughing and yelling. James jumped on the table and held up the trophy and everyone clapped. I smiled as he pulled Lily onto the table and kissed her. People whistled and I laughed. Lily's cheeks turned red and she slapped James on the shoulder. Remus grabbed a record and put on Bowie. The next thing I knew, Sirius was spinning me in circles and we were laughing. In that moment, nothing else mattered. It was just us. Somebody bumped into me and I was pushed closer to him. His hands went to my waist and I gripped his shoulders. We locked eyes and he smiled. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. He shrugged. "Because you're beautiful," he said. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled. "Padfoot, dance with me" James yelled. He stumbled over and swung his arm over Sirius. And just like that, he was whisked away. I walked over to Remus who was standing in the corner, drinking a butterbeer. "That looked cozy," he said with a smirk. I chuckled. "Yeah, but you know Sirius. He's a flirt." I said with a shrug. Remus sighed. "Why don't you just talk to him? Everyone knows you two like each other." he said. "I know. And so does he. And when he's ready, he'll come to me." I said. Remus shook his head and gave me a look of disappointment. "Listen Pen, you can't just put everyone ahead of you and think that counts as love," he said. I looked at him and he just looked at Sirius. "Remus, you remember what happened 2 years ago, don't you?" I asked. He nodded. "I can't let that happen again." I said. He nodded again.


"What do you mean he's missing?" I exclaimed. "He never came back to our dorm last night." Remus said. "We haven't seen him since lessons," Peter said. "He didn't show up to quidditch?" I asked. "No," James said. "Fuck, ok. Has Lily seen him? Or anyone?" I said. "We asked around. It's like he vanished." Peter said. There was a heavy silence that hung in the air. They all looked at me with a strange look. "What?" I asked. "It's just..." James trailed off. "Spit it out," I snapped. "After lessons, Sirius was going to talk to you. He was really excited. He said- it seemed important." James said. "Did he find you?" Remus said. I looked down and my cheeks burned. "Pen!" Remus yelled. I looked up with tears in my eyes. "I shouldn't have let him leave." I said quietly. "What? What do you mean?" Remus said. I shook my head and tears fell. "Come here, talk to me." James said as he pulled me away from them. He took me into his dorm and shut the door. "Ok. It's just us. Tell me what happened." he said. I sat down on Sirius's bed. I could smell his cologne and I ran my hand over his pillow. "Aspen!" James yelled. I looked up and wiped my eyes. "They saw us." I said. "Who did? Saw you doing what?" he asked. "I was in the library. Sirius asked to talk to me in the hall. He told me he can't wait any longer and that he should have told me sooner. He was rambling but-" I started. "He finally told you he loved you?" he asked with a small smile. I shook my head. "He said he wanted to go out with me. I was so excited that I kissed him. He kissed me back and I was so happy. Then Lucius and Severus and Regulus walked by. They saw us. Regulus said he was going to tell their parents. They called me a Mudblood slut and they called him a blood traitor. His brother had this look of just pure hatred. It was awful." I said. James sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "I'm sorry, Pen," he said. "When they left, I tried to talk to him but he just left. I've never seen him look so-so broken." I said. "We have to find him. Before he does something stupid..." James said. I nodded. Later that night, we found him in the shrieking shack, passed out drunk.

We never went on that date and he never kissed me again.

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