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Dear Aspen,

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Dear Aspen,

I loved watching you dance. At parties, during the school balls, all of it. I remember this one party, during our 5th year. It was right before everyone left for winter break. I was scared to go home so James thought the party might distract me. I was sitting on the very couch where you died as I watched you dance. It was beautiful. You swayed to the music as if nobody was watching. The colorful lights hit your face and your dress swung about. You are perfect.

Correction, You were perfect.

                                                        Sirius Black

"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore announced as the food appeared. Everyone began to eat and talk. I sat in between Remus and Sirius. Across from us sat James next to Peter. "His speeches never do get any shorter, do they?" I said. "I feel like they get longer." Remus said. I nodded. Then we continued talking about pranks and James talked about Lily. Then we went back to our dorms. I got to mine and had just finished unpacking when Lily got there. She came in and I ran over and hugged her. "Lils! Where have you been? I missed you!" I exclaimed. "I missed you too! I had some prefect stuff to do." she said. "Ah, fun." I said. She chuckled. "Not really. But it was nice to see James. I missed him and his ADHD." she said. I laughed. "Speaking of, we are going to the boys dorm tonight to celebrate our last year at Hogwarts." I said. She immediately shook her head. "No way! I know that is just code for the boys who want to get drunk on a school night and need a semi-decent reason." she said. "That may be slightly true. Come on, Lily. It'll be fun." I said. "We have lessons tomorrow." she said. "Exactly. Starting tomorrow you are going to be all uptight. We should have at least one night of reckless fun." I said. She groaned. "Fine. But we need to be back here, asleep by 1." she said. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, ok. Let's go." I said. I grabbed two bottles of firewhiskey and we headed to the boys dorm. I knocked three times and heard Peter's voice. "Password?" he said. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." I said. Then the door opened. We went inside and the boys were spread throughout the room already drinking. "Ah, my two favorite girls!" James said. "I come bearing gifts" I said as I held up the bottles and vinyl. "Excellent," Sirius said. He grabbed one and took a drink. "Oi, Evans! Why don't you come sit with me?" James said. Lily smiled and rolled her eyes. "Fine." she said as she sat next to him. I walked over to the record player and put the music on. Then I jumped up on Remus's bed. "When is the full moon?" I asked. "3 days." he said. I nodded. "Mum made you a pie but then she accidentally sold it to a customer." I said. He laughed. "Sounds like Beatrice," he said. I smiled. "Yeah" I said. I couldn't help but watch as Sirius laughed and blew the smoke from his fag. "Pen-" Remus said. I looked at him and he gave me a small smile. "He's just scared and stupid," he said. I nodded. "I know." I said. "He loves you. He really does." he continued. "I know, Moony." I said. "No, I mean- he just doesn't-" he started. "Moony, I know how he feels about me, I know why he acts the way he acts. I don't need him to explain himself. I know he loves me and that's enough." I said. He nodded. "Ok." he said. I smiled and nudged him. "You know I love you too. You're like a brother to me." I said. He laughed. "I love you too, Pen." he said. Then our group's favorite song came on. Sirius jumped up and started dancing like a lunatic. Then James joined him, then Lily. Then I jumped up and grabbed Remus. Then Peter joined too. We sang the song at the top of our lungs and danced around the room. James spun Lily and Sirius spun me. We were all laughing and smiling. We had so much fun, Lily and I fell asleep there. I woke up the next morning on Sirius's bed. He had laid his jacket over me and I smiled. I got up and snuck over to Lily. "Lily, we gotta go. We have to get ready for lessons." I whispered. She shot up and looked around. "So much for leaving at 1" she said. I nodded and we laughed. Then we headed back to our dorm. Then we got ready and went to Professor McGonagall's office to get our timetables. Then, to the Great Hall.

We sat down with the boys and began to compare our schedules. "We all have practically the same schedules!" James said. "This is going to be great!" Sirius added. "We have potions first and I don't want to get stuck with a Slytherin so let's go," I said. "Good idea. Though I heard Slughorn assigns partners anyways" Lily added. We all groaned. "Doesn't he know how dumb that is. It's asking for trouble." James said. I nodded but we headed to our first lesson of the day.

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