The Beginning Of The End

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Dear Aspen,October 15, 1978

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Dear Aspen,
October 15, 1978. I'll never forget the day. It was raining. You loved the rain. The sound of the drops hitting the pavement, the smell of the grass. All of it. You loved sitting by the fire and reading a book, warm and safe. I should have kept you safe.

I remember it all. From the moment I stepped into the Gryffindor common room, I knew something was wrong. You were laying on the floor. I saw your beautiful chestnut hair sprawled out beneath you and the book you were reading had fallen next to you. You were completely still. Peaceful.
Then I saw the blood.

My favorite part of watching you sleep was how your chest would rise and fall ever so slightly. But now, it wasn't. Your eyes were dull and you were pale. You were gone. I didn't kill you but I was the reason you were dead.

I love you.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you when you were alive.

Sirius Black

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