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Dear Aspen,

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Dear Aspen,

I'd give anything to see you again. To see your smile, to hear your laugh. Anything.

Sirius Black


Going through the motions. That's what we've been doing. Wake up, eat, go to lessons, sleep, repeat. It's not living. It's not life without Aspen. There's no jokes or pranks or laughter. Just the weight of her loss. I laid in bed for yet another night of not sleeping. I can't sleep anymore. I see her when I do. I see her pale face and the light gone from her eyes and I feel the blood all over again. So I don't sleep. I tossed and turned for a while and eventually I gave up. I got up and pulled a blanket over my body and trudged down to the common room. I lit a few candles and got the fireplace going and I sat on the couch, staring at the spot where she died. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in from the window and all the candles went out. I groaned and drew my wand, relighting the candles and starting the fire again. But she was standing there.

"Did you miss me?" My eyes widened and I stood up, backing away. "Huh? I thought you'd be happy to see me." Aspen said. I stared at her in shock. She looked alive, not like the ghosts in the castle. She looked normal. She looked- beautiful. "Aspen?" I said. "Hi Sirius." she said with a smile. The light was back in her eyes. "I thought- you're dead- I saw you-" I stammered. She smiled sadly. "I am. I died." she said. "Oh." I said quietly as I sat back down. She stood over me, looking down. "Don't be sad, Sirius. I don't want you to be sad." she said. I looked up, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I miss you." I said, my voice catching on the last word. "I know you do. I miss you too." she said. "How are you here? Are you a ghost?" I asked. "Something like that." she said. I frowned. I reached out my hand and she sighed, shaking her head. "You can't touch me." she said. "So are you real? Or are you a ghost, like Sir Nicholas?" I asked. "I guess I'm stuck in between." she said. "Oh my! James- Remus- and Peter! They'll be so excited to see you-" I started. "Sirius, wait-" she started. "I have to get them!" I exclaimed as I ran to the stairs. "Wait-" she started. "James! Get down here! Remus! Peter! Hurry!" I yelled. She stood up and walked over to me. "Sirius-" she started. Just then, James, Remus and Peter came rushing down the stairs. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" James exclaimed. "She's here! Aspen is here!" I exclaimed, pointing to her. They followed my finger and stared blankly. "Is this a prank? Because that's fucked up, Sirius." Peter grumbled. He stormed up the stairs and my face fell. "Aspen, say something." I said, looking at her with pleading eyes. "Sirius, they can't see me." she said. My face fell. Remus and James exchanged looks and James walked over to me, sitting me down on the couch. "There's nobody there." he said gently. "But- I- she is- I-" I stammered. "She's gone, mate. You have to let her go." James said sadly. I looked at Remus and he forced a smile. "There's nobody there." he said, wiping a tear. Then he walked back up the stairs. I looked at James. "She is. I can see her." I said. He nodded. "Ok. Fine. Tell her I miss her." James said, forcing away tears. Then he walked away.

When they were gone, I looked to Aspen. "I don't understand." I said. "I'm a manifestation of your guilt, Sirius." she said. My face faltered. "It was my fault." I said quietly. She smiled and sat next to me. "No, it wasn't." she said. "I left you. I knew something was wrong and I left you there. You died alone because of me." I said. "You did. But it wasn't your fault." she said. "Yes, it was-" I started. "Sirius. It wasn't your fault." she said. I looked at her. "It was someone's fault. But not yours." she said. My eyes widened. "You were murdered. Madam Pomfrey told us." I said. She nodded. "Who did it? You have to tell me." I said. "I can't." she said. "Why?!" I exclaimed. "I just can't. You have to figure it out yourself." she said. I looked at her curiously. "That's how you can pass over. If I figure out who killed you?" I asked. She smirked. "There you go." she said. I nodded. "Can you tell me anything?" I asked. "It was a student." she said. "Anything else?" I asked. "You know the person." she said.

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