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Dear Aspen,

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Dear Aspen,

Saying sorry is not enough. I never understood how true that was until now. So I'll say goodbye instead.

Sirius Black


"I'm sorry, Sirius. I didn't know how much she meant to you." he said. I looked at him, trembling with rage. "Sorry? You're sorry?" I spat. "I never meant for this. I didn't want her to die-" he started. "But she did!" I roared. I stood up, grabbing his collar and slamming him against the wall. "You killed her. It was your spell." I yelled. "I'm sorry-" he cried. "You could have saved her. She was alive when you left. If you had just-" I said, my voice catching on the last word. Tears streamed down my cheeks. "If you had just-" I choked out. "I'm so sorry." he whispered. "Sirius, let him go." I looked over and standing next to us was Aspen. "He killed you." I said. "And now I'm dead. There's nothing that will change that. Hurting him, it won't change that." she said. "He killed you!" I sobbed. "Sirius, you have to let him go. This isn't what I want." she said. Regulus was staring at me like I was crazy. I looked at her. "I can't just let him go." I said. "I forgive him. It was an accident. I forgive him, you have to too." she said. I shook my head. "No." I said. "Sirius, look at me." she said. I let him go and stepped back to face her. "The reason I was stuck isn't because you had to find my killer." she said. My face fell. "I don't understand." I said. "I'm stuck because you blame yourself. And I can't go until you let me go." she said. I exhaled a shaky breath. "So this whole time? You wanted me to find your killer so I wouldn't blame myself?" I asked. She nodded. "It wasn't your fault, Sirius. It wasn't." she said. I looked at Regulus. "I need you to forgive him so you can forgive yourself. That's the only way I can cross over." she said. "I don't want to let you go. I can't-" I said. "I'll always be with you. The ones who love us never truly leave us. And we can always find them here-" she said, pressing her hand to my heart. "Can we dance? Just one time?" I asked. "Sure, love." she said. I turned to the others, who just stared. "I need you to go." I said. "You can really see her, can't you?" James asked. I nodded. "She's here." I said. "Can I- Can I say something to her?" he asked. I nodded. "She can hear you." I said. He nodded. "Penny, wherever you are, I love you. And I miss you. I miss you so much." he said. Aspen smiled. "Tell them I love them." she said. "She says she loves you." I said. They nodded. "Tell Regulus I forgive him." she said. I shook my head. "No." I said. "Sirius, tell him." she said. I looked at Regulus and sighed. "She says- she forgives you." I said. His face faltered. "Tell her I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt her. I never wanted to hurt her." he said, tears falling to his cheeks. I nodded. Then they left. "Dance with me. One last time." she said. I put on a record and held her in my arms. Her head rested on my shoulder and I held her body. "I love you, Aspen." I whispered. "I love you too, Sirius." she said. I swayed to the music until the song ended.

When I opened my eyes, she was gone. "Aspen?!" I called out. I looked around frantically. "Aspen!" I yelled. Sobs wracked my body and I grabbed her blouse from my drawer, clutching it to my chest. "Aspen!" I yelled. But she was gone. "Goodbye. Goodbye, love." I said.


"Are you ready?" James asked. I nodded. I picked up the bouquet of flowers and we walked to the cemetery where she was buried. James, Remus, Peter, Lily and even Regulus were there. We stood in front of her gravestone and I gripped the flowers. Everyone said something and I went last. "Dear Aspen, I've wondered how do I say goodbye to someone who's been with me for my whole life? But I've decided not to say goodbye. Because like you told me, the ones who love us never truly leave us. So I'll carry you with me everyday. Even though I can't see you anymore, I still feel you. And I'll always, always love you." I said. I put the flowers down and wiped a tear from my cheek. "She'll always be with us." I said quietly.

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