Memories of the Past - Page I

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The warm afternoon breeze sweeps through the curtains. Providing a feeling of comfort to the exhausted students. Their long awaited summer vacation was just around the corner, indicating the end of their first term.

She closed her heavy eyelids, followed by a long exasperated sigh. Three whole months had passed since the beginning of junior high. And she still didn't have any friends.

They say during these times, fulfilling your social and emotional needs can undoubtedly help increase your achievements.

Guess that means she's a predestined failure.

Each of her classmates have been divided into groups, and those groups were placed in a little something called the social hierarchy.

Losing more of her nonexistent hope, she slowly but surely let her head fall onto her desk. Emitting a barely audible thud. But a thud nonetheless.

'Too much thinking.', she thought, seconds before the bell finally rang. With her face still buried on her desk. She focused on listening in to the sounds and voices around her.

"Remember to turn in your assignments by Thursday.", her teacher raised his voice, before he slid the door open and exited the classroom.

Not a second later, all of the present students stood up hastily. Their chairs scraped against the hardwood floor.

Without moving even a single finger. She counted.

Seconds turned into minutes.

It took approximately five to ten minutes until everyone left the room. Once they did, she would budge.

Walking out with everyone was just too uncomfortable. It felt like getting punched in the gut by the reality. Making her feelings of being an outcast even more apparent and unbearable.

360 seconds had passed.

The room was significantly quieter. That was to be expected.

'361... 362... 363... 364... three hundred and sixty--'


'Three hundred and sixty L/n...'


'Wait... that's not right.'

Y/n's head shot up instantly. Appalled that someone even approached her, let alone talk to her.

"Tanaka?--", she glanced at the short boy, blinking in shock. He was the only one left in the room with her.

Nervousness started to built up inside her. Could anyone blame her? She hadn't had a normal conversation in months. "--Do you need something?"

"Uhm... Well... The whole class are playing cops and robbers after school. I was wondering if you'd want to join us.", Kou moved his eyes around to everywhere but the girl in front of him.

"Huh?", was the only response she managed to sputtered out. Her brain short circuited. She could never say no to a chance to finally make friends. But...

'Is this just a dare?', Y/n closed her gaping mouth shut. Keeping herself from getting overly excited.

"Are you sure? I mean... I don't want to ruin the mood.", a meek smile grazed her lips.

The thought of being the butt of the joke alone scared the living daylights out of her. She wasn't willing to risk it. Maybe she really was a coward.

The ravenette's eyes widened, panicking. At the thought of making her feel even worse.

He jumped foward slightly towards the girl, as he stared into her eyes for the first time in the whole term. Raising his voice subconsciously.

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