Pathetic - Page XVIII

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"Do you--
--like me?"

His question was followed by a deafening quietness. The two didn't make a single move. Merely staring straight at each other.

Y/n could feel her hand getting cold, even though it was enveloped in his.

The ticking of the clock seemed to keep getting louder and louder, making the girl even more aware of how much time she's taken to even collect her thoughts, let alone give him an answer.

She did like him. Well, she used to like him.

But now...

She's not sure anymore.

His actions were confusing, acting a certain way only to completely change his demeanor not even a second later.

The (h/c) gripped the fabric of her clothes, 'What kind of question is that?!'

Getting impatient, Kou lowered his head to get a glimpse of Y/n's face. Who was currently looking down to avoid his gaze, "Do you?", he pestered.

"R-rather than that, why would you ask something like that?!--", she forced out an uncomfortable laugh, "-- Man, you sure are conceited."

Her statement made his mouth drop slightly, taken aback.

"Huh? You idiot. You're the one who started caressing my hair!--", Kou slapped her hand, which he was holding away from him lightly.

"-- I don't feel that way about you, y'know. I thought I might've done something to give you the wrong impression. I was just checking!"

Y/n raised her brows mockingly, "You don't say. Of course you've been giving me the wrong impression, genius! It's plain to see to everyone who has eyes!"

The boy was about to retaliate before he hesitantly stopped himself, biting his lip.

His lack of response made the (h/c) restless, which resulted in her continuing herself, "You're lucky I hate you, I could easily tell that you're too much of an asshole to even consider your actions, not to mention meaning anything by them, also y--"

"I get it. You can stop talking.", she noticed the slight strain in his voice, prompting her to actually stop her rambling.

The atmosphere completely changed, as the air got heavier and heavier.


'This is so stupidly awkward! Why is he the one mad?! He's the one who started asking oddly personal and out of the blue question! Not me!'

Y/n shifted on her seat, the sudden loud creaking emitted from her chair only made the situation worse.

"Listen--", he uttered, his tone filled with uncertainty. She still gave him her attention, nonetheless.

"-- About what you said earlier-- about how I've been treating you. Look, what I'm trying to say is--", his words came to a halt the moment he lifted his gaze, as he met her inquiring eyes.

Y/n blinked, wondering as to why the boy suddenly stopped.

Only after she unknowingly tilted her head, did Kou finally continue.

Although he made sure to flick her forehead as hard as possible before he did.

Earning an audible ow from the (h/c) as she quickly covered her sore forehead with her hands.

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