A Day Well Spent - Page X

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A cold breeze blew into her room, swaying her curtains delicately. Y/n shivered under the cold morning air. Her eyes were still shut tight, heavy from whatever made her so exhausted the day before.

Did she forget to close the windows last night? Also, why was she so oddly uncomfortable? The (h/c)'s eyelids fluttered languidly.

She took her time to fully wake herself up before moving even a finger. She scanned her surrounding. 'I fell asleep on the desk. That's why my back hurts so much.'

Y/n raised her body up from the hard wooden surface. The cracking of her muscles were probably loud enough for her neighbors to hear. Stretching her arms high above her head, she dropped her gaze down to the piles of papers and books placed not so neatly on her desk.

Her brain at long last decided to remember why she was actually studying so hard.

It was the last day of her finals. She could finally afford to start lazing around again soon.

A sigh escaped her lips. 'Finally...', the girl thought. She didn't even study that hard anymore. For some reason as time goes by, she started paying less and less attention to her grades.

As long as she passed, and didn't have to take extra lessons. She didn't mind how high or low the numbers were.

The (h/c)'s phone buzzed. Flipping her it open, Y/n was pleasantly surprised to see a message sent by none other than Futaba.

'Finals almost over! :D Let's get lunch together today, come to my class after school! My treat of course! <33'

The message read, an uncontrollable smile crept onto Y/n's face. Her friend was just so full of sunshine that her cheerfulness started to rub off on her.

A wonderful start to a new day. Giving the (h/c) a sense of reassurance. Today might just be better than any other day.

Unfortunately, another buzz reached her ears. Y/n could feel her stomach churned the moment she opened the new message she had received.

It was her sister.

'Y/n, my plane is landing this afternoon. Be home okay? I've brought gifts!"

A loud tap resonated in the room, as she closed her phone. Trying to ignore it and get ready for school. Without bothering to reply to her sibling.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"I-I just wanted to apologize for before.--", Futaba hesitantly told her two friends.

They hadn't talked at all after their fight. Wanting to end things well, the brunette successfully called out to the two.

"-- I don't think I chose the right words. But... that's how I really feel. I was afraid you guys would hate me. So I never stood up to you guys before, but that's how I really felt."

Asumi and Chie merely stared at her. A concern look could be seen on the latter's.

"I get how you feel Futaba, but I've been thinking. If that's how you feel, I just don't think we'd get along well. It's not your fault or anything--", Asumi paused, contemplating her next words, "-- It's just we don't really vibe that well... Bye bye.", she stoicly stated. Turning around, leaving the brunette.

"A-Asumi! Wait up.", Futaba could see Chie hurriedly stumbled after the girl.

A sad yet relieved smile made its way onto her mouth. It was like a huge weight was lifted off her chest.

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