Settle Your Differences - Page XIX

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The (h/c)'s heart started beating quicker, on account of witnessing something she shouldn't be

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The (h/c)'s heart started beating quicker, on account of witnessing something she shouldn't be.

Truth be told, she found the scene playing out before her pretty exhilarating.

She was excited, that was, until she noticed the way Kou's lips curled upwards as he talked to the girl in front of him.

She was excited, that was, until she noticed the way Kou's lips curled upwards as he talked to the girl in front of him

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'He's grinning like a fool over a girl confessing her feelings, yet I'm the pathetic one?!'

Y/n couldn't help the way her lip curled upwards, and she coud practically see an irked mark appearing on her forehead.

She gritted her teeth holding back her frustration. "Asshole.", she swiftly spun on her heels, if she didn't want to apologize before, there's no way in hell is she's does now.

As luck would have it, the moment she took a step away from the tree she was hiding behind, her body staggered when she bumped into something, more specifically, into two other people.

"What?", one of the seniors Y/n had accidentally hit glanced her way.

"Sorry--", as she was about to finish her apology, the upperclassmen's friend chimed in.

"Woah, is she a junior? Now that's coming on strong! You're cute!"

They both couldn't contain their pompous smiles, "Hey, you confessing to me?!"

"Huh?!", she couldn't help how loud the sound of her voice was. She was truly shocked, now standing frozen as the two students approached her closer.

"She's confessing to me right?"

"Dumbass, it can't be you!"

"Well it definitely ain't you!"

"Then who is it?"

Y/n did nothing but stare at them back and forth. Her hands getting colder while she racked her brains, trying to come up with something to say.

Her racing thoughts came to an abrupt halt when out of nowhere she felt a hand wrapped around her forearm, pulling her away from the bickering duo.

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