The beach

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I already have an idea for my next imagine and for now on when a character dies on the walking dead I'm going to do an imagine about how your character will react okay but here is a Chandler one for now
Y/B/F/N= your best friend name
Y/F/C= your favorite color

You, Chandler, Y/B/F/N, Sam (chandler's friend) where all heading to the beach for a fun relaxing day of just having fun. You had finally got home from shooting your movie and you are happy to be back. You woke up braided your hair to get it out of your face, got your beach bag ready which had some hair ties, a head band, towels, sunglasses, and your phone.
You put on Y/F/C bikini and put a white pretty cover up. You texted Chandler to see where he was

To: chairbear🐻😍
From: Y/N
Hey when will you be here babe

To: Y/N m'lady❤️😍
From: Chandler
I will be there soon see you in 5 minutes😘 your are last stop
Since you had five minutes you decided to have a light breakfast and go say bye to your mom
"Bye mom love you I will be back probably late"
Mom: okay bye sweet heart be safe
"I will mom don't worry"
You heard Chandler's car come in so you grabbed your bag and headed to the beach
*time skip to the beach*
You all carried a whole crap load of stuff
"Sam did you really need to bring all this stuff I mean we probably aren't going to even use it"
He gave you a joking heart look
He faked gasp
Sam: of course we need all of these
"Okay what ever"
After you got all settle in you all headed for the water you. Chandler swooped you up and carried you into the water
"Chandler put me down its so cold"
You laugh
Chandler: okay suit your self
He than brings you down into the water with him
You pooped up for air
"Hey that was mean this water is freezing"
You could hear Y/B/F/N whisper something to Sam
Y/B/F/N: look how cute they are
You started to giggle
After about 20 minutes of playing in the water you and Chandler decided you wanted to build sand castles so he went back to the blanket to get some supplies while you picked a spot when you felt someone tap on your shoulder and it was a boy your age
Boy: hey pretty lady how about we get out of here and have some alone time
He creepily winks at you
"Ummm no thanks I haves boyfriend"
Boy: come on that doesn't matter
You heard someone from behind you it was Chandler
Chandler: hey she said she had a boyfriend leave her alone
The boy backed up
Boy: okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I will leave
With that the boy left you went up to Chandler to give him a kiss and a hug
"Thank you"
Chandler: any thin for you babe I love you
"I love you too"
With that you spent the rest o the day building sand castles and having the best and most amazing day at the beach

Hope you like it. I just wish the weekend didn't go bye so fast and I miss Noah already on the walking dead even though he wasn't that big of a character he was to me like a last remembrance off Beth😥 so my next imagine will be about his funeral and you and Carl so bye hope you like this imagine😘

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