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okay so now what you have been waiting for like 5billon years lol😂
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I watched the river flow. Life has been horrible so far my parents are all dead Beth is dead Tyreese is dead Noah had just died and I hate Alexandria so much. Carol is the only one that truly understands me she is the only one that knows me and about what I feel. Nobody talks to me here basically besides just small talk. Carl Grimes makes this shitty world even worse and it gets worse and worse every day
I fish are swimming in the pond. Lucky them they don't even know what's going on with this world. I grab my water bottle and start to head back towards the walls of Alexandria. On the way I was stopped by Michonne "Y/N were have you been you were supposed to be in class today remember" I looked at her "yeah I remembered I just didn't want to go I don't like the people there" she gave me a sorry look "please just go next time you have chores to do with Carl now go I will just tell Deanna you were sick" "thanks" I ran back to the walls and climb up to the gates hoping for no one to see me. I started to walk down when I felt some one pushing me from behind. It was Carl and his new 'friends' here.
"You weren't in school today Y/N and you don't even look sick" from where I was he looked like the most scariest thing I had ever seen he has always hate me but he never got physical like this "please get away from me" he grabbed me up by shirt collar "see you during chores" he smirked and dropped me right back onto the ground tears were threatening to leave my eyes he scares me I don't even want to be near him but I can't skip my chores or I will be in serious trouble
I got to the house were me and Carol lived. I saw a note on the table "I will be home late don't skip your chores like you did with school
Love, Carol"
I kinda giggled at the note I knew she wasn't mad she is just looking out for me looked in the mirror marks were left were Carl had pulled me up by my shirt and there was a gash on my elbow that was now bleeding .
I sit there all lonely. Sure there might be people around but they aren't listening. I'm looking through some of the pictures we first took at Alexandria I laugh of how dirty we all were and Daryl still hasn't even shower I think. But I think Carol spread him down with are house the other day just thinking of those memories makes me laugh even more. I take a look at me chore sheet I have to go to the daycare center today to take care of the little kids.
I slid on a comfy sweater and some new legging that weren't ripped because it seemed like most of my leggings have always gotten holes. I put in my boots. For I warm area it was pretty cold out. It was 5:00 but it was getting darker now. As I walk into the vented I try to hide the marks on my neck I don't want people to see them. I only had to take care of the kids while every one was at dinner so maybe an hour or so. I was just praying that Carl was going to be a no show.
I picked up one of the babies in my arm and start to rock her in my arms while singing a gentle lullaby. "Don't sing your bad at it" I turned around to see Carl I just rolled my eyes at him I heard his foot steps "don't ignore me" he grabbed my elbow I winced at the pain I could just tell the wound started to bleed again "get away from me you asshole all you do is cause pain" I pushed him away he looked at me in shock "d-did I do that" he pointed at me neck I nod my head "a-and that" he pointed to where the bloos stained was on my elbow "yes" I say softly
He just turned around and punched the wall which made the rest of the babies cry "now look what you did" I heard him sniffling wait was he crying "I'm a fuck up look at what I do every I try to do is wrong I'm a horrible person and I even hurt probably the person I feel the most for" I looked at him in shocked do he just basically admit he had feeling for me he got closer to me I flinched at his touch "I'm sorry every thing I want to say to you that is nice just comes out harsh I'm mean to you and I'm a jerk I never really felt the hatred towards you I'm I'm just confused" I looked at him "I get that your sorry I know that but what you have done to me was wrong"
"Please just please can you just forgive me I promise if I hurt you again I'm out of your life for good and I want ever bother you again" he a started to get closer to my face leaning in. I knew I shouldn't but the rush and the feeling are just there. We broke the kiss "promise?" "I promise"

I will try to post again for tonight or tomorrow bye😘

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