The walls that separate us

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I have been having horrible writers block so I just randomly came up with this one so hope you enjoy

Carl's POV
Everyday I go outside these walls of Alexandria and I see the same girl not giving a care and just walking and walking around these woods. I know she is not from Alexandria because I have never seen or heard of her she. I know I shouldn't go up to her because she could be dangerous but I am just so curious about her and I want to know more. As I made my way lurking through the woods I finally saw her just sitting there out in the open on a stomp. I know it's her because I have been following her for about a week now and she has the same h/l h/c as the girl and the same body shape as the girl. As I got closer and closer I got an even better look at her face it was so beautiful even though it was just from the side view I could tell from here that it would be beautiful. I started to walk closer and close to her but than a tree branch made a loud snap. The girl look towards me in shock and than she ran of. Shit
Once I heard the tree branch snap I knew somebody was there so I glanced for a second at the figure and just took off as fast as I could. Running and running in till I was out of breath so I just leaned against this tall tree to catch my breath. Once I finally caught my breath I felt this force push me down to the ground
"What the hell"
It was that figure except this time I could see him it was the boy that had been following me for a while now
"Why are you on top of me and why are you following me"
Carl: why are you out here all alone
"I asked you first"
Carl: fine I have been following you for awhile now and I wanted to get to know you more so this was the only way now now answer my question
"Well sometimes I like to be alone okay now can you get off of me this is starting to getting really uncomfortable"
I could tell that he started to blush with awkwardness
Carl: ummm.. Yeah sorry about that
He got up and helped me up
Carl: so are you all alone
"No I have a group I just like to escape for awhile"
Carl: ohhhh
He looked down in disappointment
"Why do you even care anywa.."
I was cut off by him crashing his lips on to mine I was in pure shock until I started to kiss back but than he pulled away
Carl: until we might again outside the walls that separate us
He gave me a wink and than he left leaving me curious about him

Against sorry about no update in like 5 days but I hope you enjoyed this one so until next time (see what I did there ;) )

Carl/Chandler imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now