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You were walking to your cell when you heard crying. You didn't know who it's was but you for sure knew it wasn't Judith's so you went to see who it was. When you got to the cell you realized it was Carl
"Carl are you okay?"
He quickly hid something behind his back
Carl: uh uh y-yeah
You notice his wrist were bleeding
"Than why are your wrist bleeding"
He put his head down in shame
"Did you do this to yourself"
Carl: y-yes I just c-couldn't take it a-anymore I have just done so many horrible things
You pull him into a big hug
"Shh shh it's okay we all make mistakes that's what makes us human"
Carl: but I killed a living breathing human
"Well in this world haven't we all now let's get you cleaned up"
You grabbed some proxcide and some cloth and started to clean his cuts
Carl: how come you know how to clean these
A tear started to form in you eye
Carl: I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you
"No no it's okay it's just.... Remember when I told you that I had an older sister"
Carl: yeah?
"Well she used to cut and I caught her one day so I cleaned them up for her but she told me not to tell anyone not even my mom or dad
Carl: ohh I'm sorry
"It's okay you didn't know"
After a long awkward silence you were done
"Okay I'm done. Well I am going to head back to my cell see you in the morning"
Carl: wait stay with me please
"Okay then I will just grab some blakents from my cell"
Carl: no need you can sleep in my bed
You both got in bed and just layed there than he kissed you. You kissed back it was magical
Carl: thank you for helping me
"The pleasure is all mine"
Than you smirked and drifted off into a nice sleep

Okay so I'm back but I'm still sick so that sucks but here you go. So bye😘
Ps sorry if it's so short
Okay now bye😂😘

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