Alexandria Safe Zone

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I was doing my daily runs by myself like I do everyday because I am one of the best runners here at Alexandria I was heading back to the gates when I saw Arron ( Arron is going to be your brother in this) and his boyfriend Eric so I went to go give them a hug when I saw a group that had many people that looked like they have been on the road for so long one of them stood out the most it was I boy about my age tall and skinny and had amazing blue I eyes I have to admit he is pretty cute
"Arron Eric your back"
I run up to them to see Eric is limping and give them both a hug
"Are you okay what happened who are these people"
Arron: relax where fine Eric just had a bad fall and these people might be joining are group so please show them around for me
"Yeah okay I will help them get all settled"
I started to walk towards the group and also saw I bearded man carry the cutest little baby ever that seemed to be his daughter
"Hi my name is Y/N and I will be showing you around today come follow me"
They slowly went I could tell they couldn't fully trust me. I mean who could blame them they seemed to have gone through so much
"It's okay I know you probably don't fully trust me and I don't blame you I mean you all have probably been through so much but I just want you to know that it's going to be okay"
They all seemed to smile a little and started to walk with me to show them around I then felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and saw the boy and he was carrying the baby I saw the breaded man I saw earlier
"Hello there"
Carl: hi I was wondering is there any other kids here
"Yes there are some why"
Carl: it's just I haven't really seen any kids my age in awhile or girl as cute as you
I started to blush a little bit
"Thanks a some kids are your age here there is Ron, Mikey and Enid, Enid might seem a tad bit rude at first but you will begin to like her"
Carl: so do you have a boyfriend?
"No I don't"
He than kissed my check
Carl: I think I'm going to like it here
I heard some people behind us
Daryl: hey you two this isn't a romance novel
Me and carl slightly laugh
Carl: that's Daryl you will get used to him
I saw Daryl and a Korean guy making kissy faces at us
"Who's the other guy next to Daryl"
Carl: that's Glenn he is funny too but we are going to have to get used to them making fun of us like that
I than kissed him on the check
"I think you are going to like it here"

Sorry I was having a writers block in till I randomly came up with this I idea so if you could comment some ideas that would be great😊 sorry if it seems short bye😘

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