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Claire's next several days in Esterpine passed quickly. Each morning she was up early sparring with Koldis, then came a rushed breakfast and meeting Lord Marquin. The time with her Sprite teacher was spent wandering the fringes of Esterpine while her afternoons were spent doing more of the same, sans Lord Marquin. At least while she was with him, he improved her knowledge of the Sprite Language, first by pointing out objects, and then by helping her form full sentences.

As the days rolled by, her progress was impressive. The words, she realized, bared great similarity to the old language. But prettier, more flowing, and more intuitive. And fortunately, this language teacher wasn't as vile as her last. Even thinking of Mage Targa left her her jaw clenching.

Though, Lord Marquin wasn't without fault. She was suspicious of him—of anyone favored by Queen Jade—especially because of his excessive politeness. So smooth were his words, that it was difficult to decipher the meaning beyond. But she was sure it was there. She often got the impression he was having a laugh at her expense. At each mispronounced sound or incorrect string of words. Even now, as they walked along the city's many paths, hands clasped behind her back, she couldn't help but notice the supreme superiority radiating from him.

"That was...almost perfect, Lady Claire," Lord Marquin was saying. "Almost, but not quite." There was nothing smug about his words, per say. Yet, she sensed it in his tone. Like an undercurrent. She almost snorted, because she was pretty certain she'd said the phrase exactly as he'd instructed.

"If he doesn't stop saying almost perfect, I'm going to punch him in the face," came Koldis's snide remark. Koldis had kept up a barrage of telepathic insults since the start of her language training. She had to shush him frequently. But it helped her feel better, knowing Koldis was on her side.

"You want to accentuate the "ui" on gui." Lord Marquin's voice forced her to focus. "Miella gethlah ohmenel, gui. Because of the intention behind it. Gui means please, after all."

"Miella gethlah ohmenel, gui." She repeated the words, yet again, careful to achieve perfection. I would like an apple, please.

"Heilah, dil." Lord Marquin nodded. Good, better. And still he used that tone. That Spriten superiority.

She blinked, trying not to let her frustration show. Her annoyance. Were all Sprites this...egotistical? Gods, I'm not this bad, am I? she wondered. After all, she was part Sprite.

It is a shame you even question it, came the response. The sound of Cyrus's voice brought a smile to replace her frown. He'd become easier and easier to converse with as of late. She supposed that was normal, since it had taken her body time to acclimatize to the soul she harbored.

Over the last several days, she'd seen nothing of the darkness first witnessed in the stag. Nothing of Princess Taylynn either. Everything seemed...normal. They had sought out the prince not long after the incident. Even Jeanine hadn't been able to weasel much of an answer from him. "My sister does things in her own way, as she sees fit," was the jist of his response. Though he did scowl briefly at the mention of what they'd seen. At the appearance of his sister. "It's best you not concern yourself with the affairs of the forest, Lady Claire. Or Princess Taylynn, for that matter. Focus on your training."

Koldis had cleared his throat at that, arms crossed. "Isn't being concerned with the forest a big part of that training, Prince Feowen?" Something about the entire encounter had left Koldis on edge. He'd been strange for days, but stranger still after intercepting Princess Taylynn. Muttering, throwing dark glances at every shrub and tree, insisting she take a whole host of escorts anytime she wanted to go into the outskirts of the city.

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