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Kastali Dun

Talon eyed the small group he'd gathered together in his war room—his closest friends and allies. Only those he trusted above all others. Were these simpler matters, they'd have sat by the fire in the sitting room. But no, these were matters of war.

"What did our spies have to say," Verath asked, hands casually clasped behind him. Dallin and Jovari stood beside him. He'd debated including Dallin, but Verath had vouched for the young Drengr. Bedelth was across the table beside Lady Saffra. Next to her, Desaree and Jocelyn shifted uneasily. He was well aware they were unused to taking part in these meetings. At the head of the table, Byron, Lady Tamara, and Reyr stood beside him.

"The dragons honor the agreement," Byron said.

"Then...the people of Squall's End are unharmed?" Verath asked.

"It would seam so. The dragons haven't bothered the city, though they guard it like a precious jewel. No one enters or leaves."

"Surely that many dragons are unnecessary," Bedelth mused.

"Indeed, my lord," Byron said. "They trade duties. Most occupy themselves in leisure." Talon didn't miss the way his thumb casually rubbed the back of Tamara's hand. He looked away. "They mostly sun themselves in the fields around the city, taking whatever food they please, with no appreciation for the value of livestock. The fort has been mostly destroyed."

"But the people," Saffra interjected. "How long can they go on like that? Caged?"

"A city like Squall's End can withstand siege for several years," Talon explained. "I believe Lord Rhal is a competent lord. He will have had supplies set aside for times like these."

"And their water supply?" Saffra asked.

He looked at Byron and Reyr in question.

Reyr shrugged. "There are wells. Aqueducts too, that feed the city from Plymlet Lake."

Talon nodded. "There. They should be fine for—"

"Is that the same lake the dragons use?" Saffra asked. "I assume they don't drink sea water."

Talon's gaze snapped to hers and he silently huffed. He wasn't used to being interrupted, except perhaps by Claire and Reyr. His fist tightened, but he kept his voice calm and even. "Why do you ask, Lady Saffra?"

Saffra held his gaze before turning to Byron, ignoring his question entirely. It did little to calm his ire. "Well, Byron?" she asked again. "Is it?"

"I believe so, my lady," Byron said, then cleared his throat. "From what our spies tell us, they've made nests around its shores."

"And the next nearest freshwater lake?" she probed.

Talon's brows together. What did it matter—?

"Not close enough to suit them," Reyr answered. "Gretter Lake, I believe, a half day's flight." Byron nodded to confirm this.

"Then the dragons get their water from a single source," Saffra concluded.

Talon's irritation vanished. He hid his surprise as he looked at Saffra then shook his head. "You brilliant brilliant woman."

She shrugged, but a hint of a smile pulled up the corners of her lips.

Bedelth looked between them, his eyes narrowed. "Forgive me, my king, but perhaps the rest of us are missing something?"

Talon's gaze remained locked on Saffra's, silent communication rushing between them with just a single look. He knew exactly where her mind was. He cleared his throat. "Lady Saffra may have just changed the tide of this war, Bedelth."

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