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Claire opened her eyes, blinking up at the crystal ceiling. She yawned so wide her jaw popped. But she didn't groan and roll over, didn't go back to sleep. Fatigue clouded her mind. Today was Spring Solstice. That, at least, brought a smile to her face. That, and the secret excitement of what would be discovered all over the city when Sprites began emerging out of doors.

Were she still human, there would be heavy bags under her eyes. She hadn't recovered from the fatigue of staying up nearly all night for the past week. Even last night, when she'd claimed an early retirement and snuck off to her room, she hadn't really gone to bed. She'd waited for Koldis and Taylynn to have their time together, waited for them to break apart and go their separate ways before sneaking out.

She hadn't meant to see them through the crack in her door, but when she had, she'd been overcome with a mix of emotions. The thrill of seeing Koldis locked in Taylynn's passionate embrace, the joy of knowing they both wanted each other, but also deep, deep sadness. She missed Talon like the sky missed stars when the sun rose, like the shore missed waves when the tide withdrew, like the mountains missed snow when warmer months arrived. Seeing them kissing—it ripped something open inside her.

I am the queen, she said, laying there in bed. I am the queen. Words she'd spoken to herself more than a hundred times since Jade's death. A reminder she needed because there was work to be done; she couldn't have simply run off to find Talon the moment the crown was placed on her head. She owed her people this, this little thing, her presence during their most festive time of the year, time to let the forest heal, to regain the balance Jade had disrupted. She needed to rule now, because once she left, she wouldn't truly be their queen anymore. She'd be forsaking them for the Drengr throne.

She sighed. At least with Taylynn, they would be in good hands. Taylynn knew the forest, knew her people in a way Claire never would. Yet, abdicating to Taylynn required a sacrifice of another kind. A sacrifice someone else would bear the brunt of. Koldis.

This was what it mean to rule. Making hard decisions. Putting other needs before her own. And it was only just the beginning.

Throwing her blankets back, she rose, made her bed, and lingered at her vanity, looking in the mirror. She'd matured, changed, grown more otherworldly. She didn't look human anymore. A sliver of pain pierced her chest, for what she used to be. If her parents saw her now, would they recognize her?

She drew a shaky breath. Of course—of course they would. Those were the same green eyes looking back at her. The same golden hair woven into a thick braid down her back. She forced herself to smile. Yes—that was the same too.

But the markings covering her from head to toe, those were signs of the woman she'd become. There was plenty of unmarked skin, but the luminescent tattoos were unmistakable. Even in the voluminous gowns of Kastali Dun, there would be no hiding what she'd become—who she was.

This time, she smiled in earnest.

After bathing and dressing, she emerged into the suite's common room. She'd heard everyone's voices before leaving her room. Hushed whispers of excitement. Almost as soon as she emerged, Feowen burst into the suite, face glowing. "Was it you?" he breathed, looking right at her.

She stood motionless in her doorway, dressed in a blush-pink gown that shimmered. She had Meira and Selphie to thank. Jade's handmaidens had insisted upon offering up their services once they'd found themselves without a queen. She'd first tried to decline, but upon seeing their bereft looks, she'd accepted. They'd spent two weeks preening, finding her new gowns, and weaving blossoms into her hair whenever she allowed them time to fuss over her. Mostly, she insisted on caring for herself—dressing herself.

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