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Dragonfire Sea

Bennett lowered his spyglass at the roar of delight that split the air. He turned away from the distant coast sailing by, looking toward the packed bodies in the middle of the deck. It wasn't the usual frivolity he allowed, but he'd made an exception with the hopes of seeing Cat get a black eye, or perhaps a broken nose. He wasn't sure if her healing magic only worked for others, or if she'd be able to heal herself. But even if it was only temporary, it would certainly be satisfying.

New wagers were placed as shouts echoed around the group.

Cat stood in the middle of a mass of bodies, fists bandaged and raised, facing off against Emmon. They circled, eyes locked. He didn't miss the red blossoming across Emmon's cheekbone. So...she'd managed to land a punch already. Interesting.

Ever since Tortalia, a new dynamic had taken form on board the Lady Faith, and it was ever changing. The crew still wasn't keen on Cat, but word of her healing six of them had circulated. She still clawed and hissed at everyone she encountered, but the crew was less afraid of hissing back.

They'd even taken to quietly approaching her with requests to heal this and that. Yesterday, he'd spotted Reza requesting she heal the rope burns he'd acquired working the sails. As far as he knew, she'd agreed to each request. But no one broadcasted this; none of the crew wanted to admit they'd turned to her. He couldn't help but admit that for all her inconvenience, she'd suddenly become more...convenient. He'd never considered hiring a mage to sail with them, had never heard such a thing done, certainly made him wonder.

The dynamic continued to change with her aboard. Especially when she'd strode right up to Emmon in sight of all, and asked him to teach her how to throw a punch. Things had truly taken a turn for the interesting. She stood now, in a pair of breeches, tunic, and belt she'd acquired on their latest port stop. Her long hair was tied back in a low bun at the base of her neck. She'd deposited the tricorn she'd taken to wearing next to the stairs leading up to the poop.

Another roar rose up from the group as Cat's fist shot out for Emmon's stomach. This time, he dodged, landing a punch of his own to Cat's abdomen. She doubled over, hissing as everyone around them roared and coins were exchanged.

Bennett chuckled.

They continued back and forth like this. He took the stairs two-at-a-time to stand beside Jonah, manning the helm. "Quite the she-cat, eh, Captain?" Bennett hummed in answer, keeping his eyes on the pair, but said nothing. "Least now she'll be able to defend herself better when we stop in Bagradas, assuming...?"

"Yes, we continue on as planned, Jonas."

"Right. As you wish. But...two days?"

He shrugged. "Why not? I haven't had a chance to catch up with Aspen in quite a while. Like to see what she's been up to."

Aspen had been the first true captain he'd known. Most of what he knew he'd picked up from her. Although, he'd thought her a man when he first boarded The Bellona. She certainly looked and acted the part. A necessity when dealing with sailors, he supposed.

Why Aspen had decided to settle in a shit hole like Bagradas was beyond him, but it was there she'd established a bed and breakfast with a tavern on the ground floor. One of the rowdiest taverns in existence. Perhaps it was a good thing Cat was learning to land a good punch.

Speaking of...he couldn't help but chuckle as Cat managed to land another, right into Emmon's jaw. And she didn't stop at that, she stomped hard on his foot, then—

"Ouch! That's not going to go over well," Jonah cut in as Emmon groaned and doubled over, clutching his jewels. The gathered crew roared with delight and more coins were exchanged. Cat drew herself up, hands on her hips, shoulders proudly drawn back. He saw then that her nose was bleeding. A smirk spread across his face, but it slid off almost immediately when her eyes flashed in his direction, latching onto him.

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