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Claire took in the expressions of everyone at the table in Talon's command tent. From shocked to downright horrified. Jovari's mouth opened and closed like a fish. Desaree had tears leaking down her cheeks, her bandaged hands resting on the table. Saffra sat baffled, eyes wide, with her mouth gaping. But it was Talon's expression that captured her attention. The rage in his eyes, the way his body tensed with fury, the way his jaw flexed.

"I'm all right," she assured them. Except, her voice cracked and she had to clear her throat. "Really. I promise. No lasting harm done." That wasn't exactly true. But she didn't want them to worry. Didn't want—

"He tortured you," Talon hissed, baring his teeth. "He subjected you to unbearable pain, and I wasn't there to—"

"Talon, it was my ordeal to—"

"No!" His palm slammed against the table, making it shudder. "All of you—out," he snarled. His skin began to ripple, to change. A few black scales sprouted. His beast was coming to the surface. "Out!"

She jumped to her feet. "No, stay. Everyone stay. Talon, control yourself. I...I'm not finished with everything. There's still more to tell." She hadn't gotten to the part where she and Taylynn woke up Fright (not that she was at liberty to disclose the details of it). Nor had she explained how, exactly, she had become queen.

Talon looked as if he wanted to argue. He took a deep breath, and then another. His skin stopped rippling and the scales disappeared. She wanted to climb into his lap, to wrap her arms around him and cocoon herself there. Wanted to kiss away his fear, kiss away his guilt. He took this personally—Kane's attack—as if it was his own failing when it absolutely wasn't.

The dragon in him saw any threat to his mate as unbearable and would react on instinct alone. It was pivotal that he take control or the beast would. That, she realized, was why he had tried to send them away. He wanted her alone, all to himself. Even now she noticed the way his hand inched over the table, as if reaching for her, wanting to touch her, to reassure himself that she was okay, that she was indeed here beside him.

But he was Dragonwall's king. And she was now a queen. She would not afford him leniency. These were times of war. She wanted to get through everything she had to say, to tell it once, and be done with it. Only then could she begin to put it behind her. Only then could she heal.

At last, Talon sighed his acceptance. She reclaimed her seat and recounted the rest of her story. She was glad that she finished with the bits about Spring Solstice, ending positively in hopes of distracting them from everything that had come before. "Thank you for your gift, by the way," she said to Talon, holding his gaze. He blew out a breath and his features softened. "I'm sorry I didn't have the foresight to send something to you in return." She didn't care that everyone in the tent was witnessing this little exchange between them.

"You owe me no gifts, Claire. Choosing me, my kingdom, the title that comes with it—that was the only gift I have ever wanted."

Her throat closed up. She could barely manage a nod before turning to the others. "I loved your gifts—all of them. They are...special to me." A few of them glanced down at the table. Silence fell.

Feowen cleared his throat and said, "My sister will take up queenship over our people when the time comes. The Tree would like to see a union of both races. A union between the Sprites and the Drengr. Only then will Claire pass the mantle. It will herald a new era and illustrate a united front against Kane. Once your ceremony is complete and your bond sealed, you will travel to the forest where Claire will abdicate. The crown will pass to Taylynn."

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