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Claire ripped a warm bread roll in half, tore off a smaller chunk, dipped it in honey, and plopped it into her mouth. Her eyes closed, savoring the taste, well aware that in the coming days, she would desperately miss fresh bread. Even though her upcoming trip into the forest wasn't technically a solo journey, any provisions brought along wouldn't compare to what was spread before her now.

The queen's table was lavish. Jade had spared no expense for this luncheon. Fresh bread, sautéed vegetable medleys, fruit salads, potatoes, and all manner of non-meat dishes were spread before her. Taylynn and Feowen sat across from her. Beside her, Lord Marquin. And at the head was Queen Jade, presiding over them as if she were holding court.

"Have you decided how long you will be away this time?" Queen Jade was saying. "I do hope you won't keep away for too long."

She swallowed another mouthful and washed it down with a gulp of crisp apple cider. "I believe a week, Your Majesty. Two days simply wasn't long enough. Time is running thin and I hate to be away from Kastali Dun longer than necessary."

"I...see. So you do plan to return then?"


"She has made no such plans as of yet, Mother. Let us not forget her blood. The noble families have not yet met with her to discuss matters of the crown."

The queen shot Taylynn a scathing look. "Clearly she has no interest in that, do you dear?" Jade returned her attention to Claire.

"Uhm..." This was not how she'd hoped this meal would go. She almost shot Taylynn the same scathing glare.

"She can hardly have interest in something she knows little about," Taylynn continued, speaking to her mother. "Once she meets with the noble families and the council, she will better understand what her blood sake means and what it would mean to rule—"

"How dare you?!" Jade hissed, her composure shattering. "You would dare encourage her to depose me then, and you would speak of it here in front of me!"

"Peace, mother." Feowen's voice was calm. "We are all family here. I think what Taylynn means,"—he too shot his sister a scathing look—"is that Claire should understand her blood right entirely. I think we can all agree that she has no desire to take up rulership in Esterpine, especially given her desire to return to the capital, to return to the friends she has made there."

"Yes, exactly," Claire quickly added. She made a mental note to hug Feowen when next she had the chance. What would Koldis say about all this, were he here? A deep sigh slipped from her lips. "As it stands, Your Majesty, I am eager to return to the capital city. Thus, I will be spending a week in the forest to hone my magical ability. I've already spoken to Lord Marquin about it"—she bowed her head toward the Sprite beside her, who'd remained silent during this exchange—"and he is in agreement that a week is reasonable."

"Indeed, Majesty."

"Very well, Lady Claire." Jade nodded, as if to clear the air and rid herself of the matter entirely.

Claire stole another glance at Taylynn. It was rare to see the princess wielding any sort of emotion, but this time, Taylynn's distaste was clear in her clenched jaw, flushed cheeks, and the frequent glares she paid her mother. If she wasn't mistaken, things between them had escalated since the Blood Stone incident.

Much of the remainder of the meal was spent in silence. She did manage to catch Feowen's eye several times. He always offered an encouraging smile. So different was he to his sister, almost a direct opposite, as she'd come to observe during her time here.

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