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Koldis followed the Sprite attendant who had summoned him. An urgent matter, he'd claimed. Koldis couldn't think what might possibly be so urgent, unless it had something to do with Claire. The attendant had assured him that it didn't. He'd brought a couple of their own just in case—Rhywyth, Gradyr, Jorsid, and Madeleine—who'd been lounging in Claire's suite with him. They'd been playing cards when Haemar knocked and asked for his presence.

Ahead of him, the city's southern gate came into view. "Here, Lord Koldis." Haemar stepped aside and held forth a hand. Koldis blinked, faltered, blinked again. Then he let out a whooping laugh and lunged forward. Standing there with arms crossed, lounging against the side of the gate's grafted arch was a face he had not expected to see here.

He swallowed up the space between them and hugged Reyr. Reyr laughed too, thumping him on the back. "Gods, it's good to see a familiar face after a week of travel."

Koldis eyed him. Reyr had a large travel sack on the ground. "Has something happened? I wasn't expecting you. Our king is well?"

"Fine. It's all fine." Reyr waved a dismissive hand. "Nothing to be alarmed about."

"Then you must be the surprise King Talon promised Claire?"

"Indeed! I come with news—news better said in person than on parchment." Reyr turned, taking a moment to greet the others, familiar faces who were just as eager to say hello.

Koldis said to Haemar, "Why was he left standing out here? He should have been brought straight to me."

"Apologies, Lord Koldis. Our queen is away and I was uncertain of how to proceed. He is welcome in Esterpine, of course. He may stay with you and your kind in that wing of the palace, if you wish." Koldis nodded his agreement. "Very well. I will leave you, then." The attendant slipped away.

"Come," Koldis said, grabbing Reyr's shoulder. "I'll get you settled. Tell me everything. How did you get here? How long are you staying?"

Reyr chuckled. "I convinced a couple of Sprites at Ellia outpost to escort me. Apparently the request King Talon sent along ahead of me either didn't reach the queen, or she didn't have time to respond and alert them. It took a bit of convincing on my part, for them to agree to show me through the forest." He shrugged. "No matter. I'm here now."

"And your stay?"

"Until after the Spring Solstice." A generous stay, then. That was good. It would be wonderful to have him here. "There are things—" Reyr hesitated. "—things better said behind closed doors."

"Of course."

Reyr frowned, then, taking in the forest. "Claire is not with you?"

"Gods, man, we aren't attached at the hip."

"She is your charge."

Koldis sighed. "She's away. She left, went into the forest yesterday morning."

Reyr stopped. "You let her—"

Koldis threw up his hands. "I didn't have much of a choice, Reyr. I'm sure she will explain it when she returns. She's become quite bossy, you know." His words did little to smooth the scowl forming on Reyr's features. Finally, Reyr nodded and they continued to the palace, catching up on everything that wasn't overly secretive.

When they entered the suite, the others who were there lounging roared with delight. Word spread, and soon all their comrades from Kastali Dun were crowded into the suite, some forty bodies. It was a tight squeeze, but everyone was eager to hear news straight from the source.

Koldis the Green (DRAGONWALL SERIES 4)Where stories live. Discover now