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Claire felt just as unclear on what she'd seen after a nap, dinner, and a full night of sleep. If anything, she felt even more unclear. Taylynn had stressed the same warning as Lixiss, that she shouldn't speak of what she'd seen. Anything the King Tree showed her was a gift to her alone. But that hadn't stopped Taylynn from asking broad questions, like whether or not she'd found a way to reclaim the weapon she would need to defeat Kane. Queen Isabella's long lost quarterstaff.

The short of it was no.

She really had no idea what she needed to do. Trust the King Tree to be vague. Taylynn hadn't seemed surprised in the slightest. But it was an utter disappointment.

By the time they departed Ashvale the next morning, a permanent scowl had taken up residence on her face. She hadn't gained any of the answers she'd hoped she would find. Wait. That wasn't exactly true. A slight smile threatened to ruin her perfect frown. She had learned something, hadn't she? But not about her own life.

Koldis walked beside her in thoughtful silence. Since his big revelation, he'd been particularly sweet to Princess Taylynn. At first, she hadn't known what to make of it, especially given the way their conversation had ended. But it got strange after that. First, he'd offered to take Taylynn's dishes after dinner, then he'd fluffed a pouf for her beside the fire, and from there, he attended to her with the utmost care—all of which Taylynn scathingly refused. It wasn't until they'd set off for Esterpine when Koldis's offered Taylynn the use of his arm, that Claire saw what he was truly doing.

"I am perfectly capable of managing on my own, Drengr," Taylynn snapped, glaring at him. "I've been walking this forest since before you were born."

Koldis had flashed Claire a wicked grin over his shoulder, eyes glittering with satisfaction. "Of course, Princess," he'd said. "As you wish."

He'd then dropped back to walk beside her.

He'd been doing it—all of it—to irritate Taylynn and continuously remind her of the bond that existed between them. It was rather genius, really. Especially since it appeared to achieve the exact results Koldis hoped for.

As Ashvale faded behind them, swallowed up by the forest, they found themselves traveling a path not unlike the one that had brought them. It would be little over a two day journey back to Esterpine, which would put Claire back nearly a week after she'd left. She would certainly surprise everyone waltzing in covered in more markings than she'd departed with. She wondered how Lord Marquin would take it.


Their journey went quickly. The first day passed in a blur. Koldis maintained his sickeningly sweet self. He offered Taylynn food from his own pack, offered to gather dried wood in her stead—for which Feowen created a roaring green fire—and he insisted she sleep on the fluffiest swath of moss when they located a clearing to make camp. She glared at him, ignored him, and yet, he still persisted. When they settled for the evening, Feowen and Jeanine practiced sparring while Taylynn coached Claire with magic. Koldis comfortably sat against a tree where he could watch.

The following day was much the same. With each step, Claire could feel Esterpine looming closer, like a beacon in her chest, thrumming to the same pace as her heart. Her forest tear at her neck seemed to know too. She could feel its pulse against her skin.

"How do you think our king is managing in the capital?" Koldis asked, breaking the silence that had fallen between everyone. The forest itself was anything but: There was the usual cacophony of chirping birds, buzzing insects, and rustling leaves. "Do you think they've found a way to reclaim Squall's End?"

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