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Author: dragonsareourfuture (on ao3)

i just cook those pre packed cake thingys you just mix and put in the oven 🥴👏



"I just had the best idea!" You cheered, storming into Mello's room early in the morning to tell him the idea that popped into your head before you forgot.

Mello looked as though he had just woken up, hair still a matted mess and dark circles below his eyes. "Hmm?" He mumbled, seated at his desk and absentmindedly scribbling words on scraps of paper. You noticed that he did this whenever he was angry or stressed, which made you second guess asking him to help you with your plan.

"Well, I found out that today is Roger's birthday, and I thought that we could bake him a cake!" You rocked on the balls of your feet, nervously awaiting a response.

"' We '? No, you can do whatever you want. I'm not baking a birthday cake for that bastard." The blond sassed.

You stepped closer to his desk, sitting cross legged on the floor and pushing your bottom lip out. "Please? If you do something nice for Roger then you could throw it back in his face whenever he tries to scold you."

This made Mello pause. He sighed then dropped his pencil on the desk and pivoted in his chair to face you. "What kind of cake do you think he'd like?"

"Yay!" You shot up, grabbing Mello's hand and pulling him to the kitchen.

You had most of the ingredients, the only thing missing was vanilla extract.

"Don't worry, I know a good substitute," Mello insisted when you informed him of your dilemma. You shrugged and began combining flour, milk, and eggs into a large bowl as the recipe instructed. You were assigned with making the actual cake and Mello was in charge of the icing.

Your arm grew tired of mixing the batter, so you set the bowl and whisk down on the counter and stretched out your aching arm. You peeked over at what Mello was up to, but his back was blocking your vision. Upon craning your neck to see him pouring a blue liquid into the icing, you grabbed his shoulder and swiped the bottle from his hands.

"Drain cleaner!? Really, Mello? This isn't 'Heathers'!"

"If it we're, would that mean I'm JD and you're Veronica?"

You roll your eyes. "It better not mean that. Now we don't have any icing. Nice going, idiot." You huffed, tossing the drain cleaner back into the cabinet under the sink.

"Look, we can just make more- oh." Mello held the empty bag of powdered sugar and shrugged. "Oops."

You wouldn't talk to Mello for the rest of the day — not when you shoved the vanilla cake into the oven, not when you washed all the dishes by yourself, and certainly not when you both presented the icing-less cake to Roger, who was nice enough to not mention the lack of decoration.

"Maybe next time I won't be tempted with the drain cleaner."

"You fucking suck."


"Aaaaand it looks as if they've been burnt, folks! The cupcakes have been burnt!" Matt mocked in a sports announcer voice as you pulled the steaming tray from the oven.

"That's enough, Matt! I can't believe I burnt another batch!" You tossed the charred blobs into the garbage can with a sigh.

"Why don't I help?" Matt proposed, getting up from his chair and taking the cupcake tray from your hands.

"No offense, but do you have any experience with baking? I haven't ever seen you do it."

"I've seen an episode of Cupcake Wars. How hard can it be?"

You shrugged and let Matt take over.

He'd mixed the batter, humming to himself as you observed. After a minute or so of whisking, Matt shooed you out of the room, claiming that you threw off his "creative flow" when you stared like that.

At that point in time you were just ecstatic that nothing went horribly wrong yet and you trusted Matt for whatever reason, so you left the brunet to his own devices. Though, trust is fleeting and, upon conjuring up mental images of Matt's hair on fire, you decided it would be best to at least check on your boyfriend.

You crept up to the kitchen door, peering around the corner to see not only the cupcakes out of the oven ten minutes early, but Matt eating the scolding yet uncooked batter with a spoon.

"Matt, what the hell!?" You shrieked, giving your hiding spot away and rushing up to Matt's flour-covered self.

"What?" He asked through a mouthful of chocolate batter.

"You barely saved me any!" You scolded before pulling your own spoon from a drawer and scooping up a huge portion of the chocolate liquid from one of the tins.

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