Chapter 12

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You would think because I hadn't mentioned Kayley, Brooklyn or Romeo in a while, they had somehow magically vanished of the surface of the earth.

As if I'd be so lucky.

"Trouble at 3 o'clock." Alex lightly elbowed me in my stomach, tilting her head slightly to the right. The direction which Kayley and her minions were fast approaching us from.

"Is it too late to run?" I half whispered to Alex.

"Pretty much." I heard the jingling of earings and automatically knew Kayley was behind me. Slowly I turned to face her. Our last interaction played in my mind.

Lord have mercy.

"How's your boyf- oh wait." Kayley spoke in a mocking tone, and tilted her head ever so slightly. I wanted to rip that over-glossed smile off her face.

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm." I rolled my eyes, annoyed at the situation.

"I don't care what you do or don't appreciate." She poked my shoulder.

"Okay, firstly that was a stupid come back and secondly touch me again and I'll tear your fake nails off and scratch out your eyeballs you plastic piece of" -I really wish I had said that, but nope. Instead, I being a coward decided to turn back to Alex and lightly drag her away.

Surprisingly Kayley let us leave, but the smug look on her face enraged me.

Once again the emotions I felt the day I found out Romeo was a jerk, came flooding back. It astounded me just how stupid I had been. Blinded by my childhood fantasies and my weird obsession with him.


I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, as I made my way to my second class. After my little encounter with Kayley, I had decided I needed time alone, and that involved ignoring whoever was texting me. I was interupted from my self pitying thoughts, when I heard a voice behind me.


I slowly turn around to face the boy I had once convinced myself I was in love with. My heart rate involuntarily increased. Dang it.

"I have nothing to say to you?" I attempted to speak in a firm tone, but it came out more like a question, which cause him to chuckle ever so slightly. That nincompoop.

"Well, I have something to say to you." His words made my heart speed up even more, but not in a good way. The way he had spoken caused me to, for the first time in my life, be scared of Romeo Wilkinson.

He actions were to swift for me. One second we were standing at least an arms length away from each other, the next, he had his arms securely wrapped around my waist.

Then I made the biggest mistake in my life and looked in his eyes. They were enchanting and made me momentarily forget everything that had happened. I didn't fight back as he slowly closed the distance between us.

His lips softly touched mine, I was a statue, completely frozen by what he was doing. But deep down, something didn't feel right. His movements gradually became more and more aggressive. I wanted to pull away, I really did, but I couldn't.

Before I could even think about doing anything, Romeo pulled away, with a  devilish smirk on his face. He had got what he wanted.

"What the hell was that for?!" I yelled and forcefully shoved Romeo, once I came to my senses. His smirk grew wider as he tilted his head slightly, gesturing for me to look behind.

I followed his gaze and instantly my heart sank. My breath hitched as I turned to see Dean intently looking at me. Betrayl covering his face.

You could cut the tension with a knife, as the three of us stood there, stilled by the situation. Dean was the first to make a move. He quickly turned and walked away, his head hanging low. As I went to follow him, my wrist was roughly grabbed.

"You know-" I pulled my wrist away from Romeo and punched him in the face. Now, I wasn't really a violent person, but at that moment, I got a weird sense of pleasure fro hitting him. He stared at me in disbelief and rubbed the spot I had hit him. I took that as my opportunity to walk away, but not before sticking my middle finger up at the jerk.

I groaned in frustration as the memories of the look of betrayl on Dean's face played back in my mind. We weren't together, but I really did like him and now I had just ruined the possibility of anything ever happening between us. A warm tear gently made its way down my cold cheek.

When I finally spotted Dean, he was leaning against a locker. The bell loudly rang, but I ignored it and walked towards him. His shoulders were hunched, but when he heard me, he turned around swiftly. He briefly looked into my eyes, then began to walk off.

"Dean!" I called out, following him. I grabbed his wrist and he turned to me again, glaring at me. I felt his arm tense under my touch. He glared at me.


"Let go of me Skylar."

"No! Let me explain." I stubbornly replied.

"You don't owe me an explanation, it's not like we're together." Ouch. My grip loosened, as his words sank in, but contrary to what I thought, Dean didn't leave. We stood in silence yet once again.

"I really liked you Skylar. Hell, I might have even loved you. But you were just too stupid to see it. You were so infatuated by Wilkinson, that you were oblivious to everything else. He doesn't even give a damn about you! You and Wilk deserve each other." He spoke bitterly, his eyes becoming glossy. I had never seen Dean so hurt and to make it worse, it was all my fault.

"I like you too." My voice was just above a whisper. Dean shook his head at me. I studied his face. He looked stressed and emotionally drained. This caused him to look like he had aged over 10 years in the course of a few hours.

"You don't like me. You feel sorry for me. Well guess what, I don't need your sympathy." He ran his fingers through his hair.

I watched him walk away, and it tore me up inside. I really  did have feelings for him, but now, he was gone.

There was no point in going to class, so I walked out of school, to my car. As soon as sat down, I checked my phone. Immediately my heart broke even more.

It was a text from Dylan.

Lil Dyl': Dean's on his way to see you. Maia passed away :(

I let out an aggrovated scream. Tears flooded down my face as I repeatedly hit the steering wheel. Everything was going so wrong. Dean didn't deserve any of this.If i had just checked my phone instead of feeling sorry for myself, I would have be comforting Dean at that point. Instead, I had caused him even more pain. That was just too much for one person to take. I angrily cried.

Dean didn't deserve this.


A/N: I am so sorry. This chapter has been the hardest for me to write and so it has taken me a while to write it. I really want to make it as authentic as possible, so in a few chapters I will be writing in Dean's POV.

Don't hate me :(

-Thoughts on Romeo?

- What do you think will happen between Dean ans Sky?

-Who knew that Dean liked Sky?


Vote, comment and all that jazz xxx

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