Chapter 7

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Now, let's go back to Dylan McKay. When I introduced him, I forgot to mention one very important fact. You see, Dylan wasn't just some bad boy who had attempted to hijack my date. Nope, Dylan was much more of a complex individual. He was in fact best friends with someone who had been trying to stop me from dating Romeo. I don't mean Casey. Dylan was Dean's best friend. Two hot bad boys.

Now the only question is why were they so fascinated by my love life?

"Casey! I swear I will stop talking to you!" I threatened my best friend, wiggling my finger in his face. He remained unfazed because he knew it was an empty threat.

"I don't know why Dean and Dylan care. Maybe it's a sign." He shoved past me, walking over to his dresser. I was sitting cross legged on his bed. Casey was walking around in search of a clean shirt. Yes, he was shirtless, just cause he was like a brother to me didn't mean I was blind to how hot he was.

"Casey." I dragged out his name.

"Skylar." He threw on a shirt. Right then, my phone buzzed. I smiled deeply and blushed when I noticed who the text was from. Romeo.

"It's Romeo isn't it?" Casey laughed, sitting beside me and grabbing my phone. He read the text and laughed as I tried to grab my phone off him.

"Case!" I groaned.

"Meet me at my locker." He read out, in a feminine voice, holding my phone away from me, using height as an advantage.

"HE WANT'S ME TO MEET HIM AT HIS LOCKER?!" I yelled, tackling Casey to the ground. The fact that Romeo wanted to meet up with me made my heart do a little dance.


I stood by Romeo's locker, patiently waitng for him. I had told Casey, Hunter and Alex to leave because obviously they would embarrass me. Obviously.

"Well, well. Little Miss Desperate." Oh how I was excited to rub this in her face.

Kayley, Brooklyn and the unnamed minions (they probably had names) were standing by me, eyeing me up and down. I looked around then looked at Kayley.

"Oh, were you talkingto me?" I feigned obliviousness. I was definitely not desperate. I had this sudden boost in confidence.

"I am actually." She rolled her eyes. She annoyed me.

"Um... Why are you here?" I asked, not exactly interested in her answer.  What she didn't realise is that I was waiting for my boyfriend. Yeah, that's right, Romeo was my bae.

"Waiting for Romeo." She loudly chewed on her bubblegum. What an unattractive attribute. Loud chewers were basically everybodys biggest pet peev.

"Why are you waiting for my boyfriend?" Oh, why did I feel the need to say that?! Ladies and Gentlemen, I had just commited social suicide. I had basically begged for Kayley to make fu  of me. I had given her the right to laugh in my face.

"Did you just say your boyfriend?" She raised an eyerow at me, a little too amused for my liking.

"Did I stutter?" Shut up Skylar!

"You are so-"

"Kayley." I deep voice said, cutting her off. She looked up, away from me, obviously stunned. To my shock, the person who had shut her up wa not Romeo, it was Dean.

"Hey Dean." She smiled and fluttered her eyelashed, flirting.

Can she not?

 He gave her a disgusted look. Oh, did I mention, Kayley had been trying to get with Dean since before anyone could remember. It was almost refreshing watching someone chase after a boy as desperately as I had once done.

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