Chapter 2

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"I swear, if you keep staring at Wilkinson like that, you're going to drool an entire pool." Hunter threw a chip at me.

Hunter McNugget. Unfortunate last name, Am I right? She hated that people could make fun of her for that.

She had been my best friend for 5 years, despite the fact that we were polar opposites.

She was what you call a 'tough girl', with her weird piercings, pale skin and dyed hair. It was dark purple at that point, but I think it was only a matter of weeks before it all fell out. She heavily contrasted Alexandria and I, with all her black clothes.

Literally all she wore was merch from bands with scary names like Dying Fetus and Blood on the dance floor. And she always had headphones. Always.

Casey scoffed at me.

He was the final part in my group. Casey Benson.
I had only accepted him in our group last year because his name had reminded me of my favourite Home and Away character, Casy Braxton- Wait, didn't they kill him off?

Casey was your average 'boy next door'. He had amazingly blue eyes, tan skin and soft dark hair. Literally, it was so soft wow.

Most girls in our school had at some point had a crush on him. Well aside from Hunter and I.Alex did, but you didn't hear it from me.
He played on the Football (soccer) team and could have easily hung out with the populars, but instead he chose us.

We were the plankton in the food chain.

If I had the opportunity to be popular, I would have ditched them in a heartbeat. It would have been au revior losers, adios nerds.

I'm only kidding. K.

"Romeo is my one true love!" I threw a few bits of my salad at her, but I ended up missing completely.

"Watch it!" Alex squealed. I mouthed a quick sorry.

"You shouldn't throw food Skylar." Hunter laughed.

"Yeah, loser. Don't throw food." A voice said, before I could defend myself. I slowly looked up to see Kayley and her minions surrounding me.

"Kayley-" I was cut off by her dumping chocolate yoghurt on me. I hated chocolate yoghurt. I felt the artificially sweetened yoghurt make its was down my hair, past my face and to my shirt.

I was literally shocked and speechless. The whole cafeteria stared at us. Great, I look like a douche infront of Romeo. I thought.

"Oops." Kayley giggled.

Again, a cold sensation travelled through my hair. This time it was Brooklyn. Also known as my ex-best friend, turned bully.

Three years ago, Brooklyn decided it was much cooler to be my enemy than my friend and joined Kayley in harassing me daily.

But that's not what was wrong with that picture. Nope. What was wrong with it was that Brooklyn knew more about me than anyone else. And if she ever told Kayley, well...

A small gasp escaped from my mouth as I quickly stood up.

"Kayley, you're such a b-"

"Shut up Maccas, no one was talking to you."

I noticed Alex calming Hunter down, who looked like she was about to rip off Kayley's big head.

"Back off Kayley." Casey said, with an assertive tone. But it was too late, the damage was done.

I heard laughing and not just from one place. Rather, the entire cafeteria was laughing at me. I was so embarrassed, it took everything in me to not cry on the spot.

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