Chapter 11

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My mind began to race. It was like weird Inception type crap. I knew I had met Dean's mum at the ball with Casey, however, looking into this woman's eyes, I realised, Dean resembled her more than he resembled the woman I had initially thougth was his mother.

"Skylar." She said in a knowing tone. I slightly nodded, causing her to smile brightly at me. "It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Maia." She put her hand out for me. Looing at Dean for approval, I slowly walked towards her and shook her small hand. I looked into her beautiful eyes and noticed a cencerity which she possesed. One I had not noticed in the woman I persumed was Dean's step mum.

"You too!" My voice came out a little more overexcited than I would have hoped. Insert face palm here. When ever I felt the slightest bit of nerves, my voice went way too high. To my suprise though, instead of scoffing at me or looking at me funny, Maia lightly chuckled. Dean let out a breath he had obviously been holding in for a while.

"Sorry I'm late mum, Sky really wanted to-" Before Dean could finish his sentence, he was interupted by the enterance of a nurse who quickly ushered us out of the room, despite our pleas. Maia's face fell as she watched her son leave the room, disturbing their short reunion.

I followed a silent and stiff Dean out of the hospital. The white halls of the hospital seemed to be a never ending maze. Dean's heavy breathing indicated the anger he was holding within. I could totally understand his anger and couldn't help but feel bad for him. His moments with his mum were obviously scarce and I had wasted his time at the fair.

"Dean-" Before I could finish my sentence, Dean angrily kicked the wall outside and let out a small growl. His neck vein became prominent as he angrily ran his hand through his hair over and over again, as though, somehow it would calm him down.

"She's dying Sky!" He shouted. His voice was shakey. I lightly flinched, not because I was scared of him, but because I had not expected his outburst. I had plenty of reasons to be scared of Dean, I had witnessed a lot of his fights, but around me, he was gentle. Completely opposite to the aggrovated state he was in at that point.

"Dean... She looked-well. And happy to see you." I chose my words carefully, knowing I was treading on thin ice. It was a sensitive topic to talk about and I didn't want my feble attempts of comforting to come across as ignorant.

"But she isn't!" He loudly sighed, running his hands through his hair yet once again. He slowly slid to the ground and sat with his arms around his long legs, breathing heavily. There was a brief silence between us.

"The doctors have pretty much said there's nothing they can do for her. They had given up on her months ago. Dad did to. As soon as he heard her condition, he bailed." Dean mumbled. I had never seen the bad boy so vulnerable. He seemed so small, lost and very defated.

I sat beside him, in a comfortable silence for a while. Sometimes that was all people needed, someone beside them. The silence wasn't deafening, rather it was comforting.


"Stiles is so hot!" Phoenix gushed, as we sat together watching Teen Wolf. I absentmindedly stared at the screen. It may as well have been blank, because I wasn't focused on what was happening, rather, my mind was on Dean. The sad look on his face as we left and the way he repeatedly ran his hand through his hair.

It made sense now. Maia had been diagnosed and instead of supporting her and his son, Dean's dad had decided to keep appearances up and remarry. Who better than a tall, blonde 20-something. While Maia was slowly deterierating, he was off with a blonde-bimbo.

No offense, I mean I didn't really know her, but I was angry okay, don't judge. Oh wow, now I feel bad. She was probably a nice lady.

A sock covered foot slowly entered my line of vision and eventually, my cheek was repeatedly tapped by that foot. I slowly turned to face my younger sister.

"Yes." I slowly dragged out the word.

She slowly lowered her foot and smirked at me. Her bright eyes had a mischevious tinge to them and the light from the television reflected on her face in a weird way.

At moments like that, I thought I was the more attractive sister.

"You haven't fangirled in a while. Are you going out with that really hot dude?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me, smiling evily.

Were Dean and I actually anything? Or was he like another Casey in my life? Help!

"Dylan? Was that his name?" Phoenix interupted my thoughts. Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink and she looked away from me. I realised she knew nothing about Dean, other than his bad boy status, but she had developed an interest in Dylan.

My little sister had a thing for my bad boy's best friend.

"Oh, God, no." I said, sounding almost a little too disgusted by the prospect of liking Dylan.

"Why do you sound so disgusted, he was hot and way out of your league." She rolled her eyes and chuckled a little.

"Jee, thanks." I replied, shoving my little sister as hard as possible, which didn't really work because of my lack of upper body strength.


A/N: Sorry this update took so long :( And sorry it's kinda short, this chapter was just a filler and trust me, the next one will be interesting.

Vote/Comment and all that jazz. You guys are amazing and I hope you're enjoying the book :)x


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