Chapter 8

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"I'm going to kill him!" Dean angrily growled, his grip on me tightening. I let out a quiet sob. Honestly I don't know why I was so suprised. I should've expected it. A guy like Romeo would never go for a girl like me. I was just blinded by my own fantasies. I ignored warnings from my best friend.


"I-I have to find Casey." I stuttered. Dean hesitantly let me go. With tears blurring my vision, I walked away from Dean in an attempt to find my best friend.

I found Casey leaving his Art History class and immediately when he saw my face, he ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I felt safe in Casey's arms. I tried hard not to cry, but the tears kept falling.

"Hey-hey. You're okay." Casey forced me to look into his bright blue eyes. They were filled with a mixture of worry and anger, something I wasn't used to from him.

 I broke away from Casey, telling him I'd meet him by his class. I then made my way to the bathroom. My make up was all down my face. Honestly, why even bother with make up? It sucked.

By the time I had fixed my face, I had completely zoned out to everything. The best way to deal with heartbreak and being hurt was to completely become numb to everything and everyone. I had to force myself to build up barriers in order to protect myself from harm. I never expected Romeo to be that harm.

I walked out the front of the school, only to find a big group surrounding the enterance. There was constant cheers and yells. From what I could tell, a fight was breaking out. The only question was, who was fighting?

I pushed my way through the crowd and instantly regreted it. The fight was between Dean and Romeo. If Dean's words were anything to go by, Romeo was in a lot of trouble.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. No one really paid attention to me and I completely  understood why. Dean was basically on top of Romeo throwing punches and very violent kicks. Romeo was a bloody mess while the only blood on Dean was Romeo's.

As much as Romeo deserved it, I needed to stop it.

"CASEY?!" I shouted as I made my way to his class. My shouts were frantic and desperate. He needed to step in quickly or else Dean would've gone to jail and Romeo would've gone to the emergancy room.

"Sky? What's up?" Casey searched for my eyes. I grabbed his arm and began hurriedly pulling him to the school enterance. As soon as he saw what was going on he realised why I sounded so scared.

"Case, please stop this!" I cried. No one was doing anything to stop the fight and it was getting worse with every minute that passed.

Casey pushed through the growing crowd and right into the middle of the fight. Everyone else just stood there, encouraging the fight.

Casey made his way around to Dean, in an attempt to calm him down. He lightly touched Dean's shoulder, but in Dean's angry bull state, that was a big mistake. Without hesitation, Dean took a swing at Casey, successfully punching him square in the jaw.

"Casey!" My mouth and body moved before I could even comprehend what I was doing. I ran straight in amongst the fight, not caring that I might be Dean's next video.

However, before I reached Dean, Dylan had already began pulling him away.

Thank God for Dylan.

So instead, I turned my attention towards Casey.


Casey and I walked towards my car. He had got an ice pack from the nurse and insisted he was okay. Not that I believed him. I sat in the drivers seat and Casey sat in the passenger seat.

"Sky, don't worry about me. I mean did you see Romeo." Casey laughed a little, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I hate him." I spat. The unfortunate thing is I didn't know who my spiteful words were directed towards. Dean or Romeo.

The rest of the drive home was silent. Casey didn't make any further attempts to lighten up the mood because he knew I would snap.

We pulled up to my house and I angry grabbed my bag and opened up the door. As soon as I stepped into the house, I dumped my bag on the floor.

"Mum! Case and I are here!" I yelled, not bothering to go greet my mother. I honestly didn't feel like talking to anyone but Casey.

"Oh my God, what happened to your face?" Phoenix asked Casey. My fourteen year old sister ladies and gentlemen. She just bluntly asked him that.

"You should see the other guy." Casey joked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm. I really didn't appreciate how casual he was about the whole encounter. I mean, Dean had punched him in the jaw. He had hurt my best friend.

"Don't bother us. Okay." I told Phoenix. My sister and I were extremely close, so she understood that Casey and I needed time alone and that I'd fill her in on what happened.

We made our way upstairs and I immediately shut the door when we entered my room. "Are you okay?" Casey asked.

Was I okay? Had I been punched in the jaw? No. Had my face been bleeding? Again, no. I mean, sure my heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest then repeatedly stomped on by the guy I had sworn I would marry some day, but other than that, I was totally fine.


"He was using me Case. He was using me and I was too stupid to realise." I sighed, sitting on the bed beside Casey. He put his arm around me and gently rubbed my shoulder.

"Dean looked pissed." He half heartedly laughed.

"Yeah. What was up with that? He literally had never spoken to me until this year. I've known the dude for what? 14 years." I shook my head.

"Well, everybody knows that since like forever, Dean has-"




I haven't updated in like forever and I'm so sorry. I'm a sucky person, I know :(

Thank you all so much for 5.5k reads! You guys are amazing and I love you all thank you, thank you, thank you!

I will either be updating this or Crash really soon I promise :)

-Who do you think is down stairs?

-I've started watching teen wolf

-I'm a Casey girl, what about you?

Vote, Comment and all that jazz. Alllsssoooo, check out my other story, Crash :D x

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