Chapter 3

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Never in my life had so many people stared at me. I couldn't tell if it was because I smelt like a chocolate unicorn had thrown up on me or if it was because I was wearing Dean's hoodie.

Probably both.

Either way, I didn't like it.

Hunter and I walked into the classroom, and immediately all the chatter stopped and everyone began to stare. As we made our way to our desks, they began whispering.

"Great, now everyone is staring at us because you got busy with Bourne." Hunter groaned as she threw her bag on her desk.

"Excuse you! Maybe they're staring at your ever growing bald patch!" I remarked, obviously hitting a nerve, because Hunter the whacked me.


What are you wearing!" Kayley hissed. Dear Lord, please help me.
I let out an audible groan.

"I believe I am wearing... your lunch."

Kayley then did one of those stereotypical mean girl eye rolls. You know, the ones that are unnessesarily long for no particular reason. It looked like her eyes would roll out of their sockets.

"No, you dimwit. The hoodie. That's Dean Bourne's hoodie." She spoke slowly as though I was a three year old.

"Well, if you obviously see, why'd you feel the need to ask?" I batted my eyelashes at her as I spoke in a patronizing tone.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is a classic example of how NOT to speak to a popular.

"Miss Peace, if you would be so kind as to please sit down, that would be greatly appreciated. Mr Chong, the calculus teacher, stated in a bored tone.

See, even he hated the subject.

The entire lesson, I recieved dirty looks from Kayley and her minions, who constantly turned around and faced me.

5 minutes before the bell signalling the end of the period rang, Dean walked in and flashed his award winning smile that made girls swoon.

"Mr Bourne. 55 minutes late. Why'd you even bother?" Mr Chong spoke monotone.

"Nah, Allen. You're looking at it so pessemistically. I have 5 minutes of learning." Dean hald smiled, making his way down the rows. He then dumped his bag on the only available seat. Beside me.

I sighed. He leaned in towards me. Que the dirty looks.

"I'm gonna want my hoodie back, Cruise." He whispered. I felt his breath on my skin.

Que an annoyed laugh from me.

"Don't expect it to be drycleaned." I sassed.

"Is this the harshness I get for saving a damzel in distress?" He leaned back on his seat.

"This damzel didn't need your saving. Now quit talking to me because those girls are giving me dirty looks." I hissed.

"Let 'em look."


"Sky!" I turned to find Casey pushing past students and running towards me. I waited patiently.

"Hey." He straightened the strap of his bag.

"Waddup." I grinned.

"Remind me not to take Art History again next year." Casey groaned as we walked through the crowded halls.

"Don't take Art History next year."

He lightly shoved me, causing me to laugh. "You're annoying."

"I try."

"Everyone's been talking about you and Dean." Casey said Dean's name as though it disgusted him. I simply rolled my eyes. But not in the freaky way Kayley did.

"There's no me and De-"

Alas, as though fate had decided it had a cruel sense of humour, my sentence was ended abruptly.

"Woah, watch it!" The person I had walked into said.

Romeo. I stared at him, seeing as I was rarely ever that close to his pretty face, I had decided to savour it.

He ran his fingers through his blonde hair. I watched his movement. It was as though time slowed down. He briefly made eye contact with me (Oh, those eyes) before pushing past me and breaking me out of my trance.

"C'mon Sku." Casey grabbed my arm.

Romeo looked at me!


My heart had gone into overdrive. His blue eyes had looked into my boring green eyes! In some countries that's a marriage proposal.

Yes Romeo! It's a yes! I will marry you.

"Woah, watch it." His words echoed in my mind. His accent made it oh so much better.

His parents were from Australia and despite only living there for a year, he had some how developed a hint of an Australian accent. IT WAS PERFECT.

I had the goofiest smile on my face the entire time Casey walked me to the carpark. I was so out of it, in my own little world. Population: Romeo and I.

"Skylar Louise Cruise! I swear, if you don't wipe that stupid grin off your face I'll make you walk home." Casey snapped me out of my thought.

"Case, he talked to me!" I sqeauled.

Casey practically shoved me into the passanger seat, disregarding my fan girling.

"That's great." He sounded annoyed. Jealous maybe?


I comfortably sat in the seat of Casey's Audi R8. It was honestly the second coolest car I'd ever seen. It was matte black and freaking gorgeous.

Second only to my Mini Cooper.

"What the f-" A black motorcycle cut off Casey's car as he was about to exit the school carpark.

"Language Case." I warned.

"Your boyfriend just cutt me off." Casey growled as his grip on the steering wheel tightened, causing his knuckles to turn white.

He was cute when he was angry.

Wait, Romeo had a motorcycle?! Nooo he drove a black Range Rover with black wheel covers that had red on the inside and his number plate was-

Casey loudly honked the car.

"Romeo doesn't ride a motorcycle." I stated. In response, Casey laughed at me dryly, calling me deluted.

When I looked up at the person riding the motorcycle, I realised why.

The tan skin, brown hair and intense hazel eyes. It was Dean.

And I still had his OBEY hoodie.



Is Casey jealous because Sky is fangirling over Romeo?

Will Sky evr give Dean his hoodie back?

Why am I asking all these questions?

Comment, vote and all that jazz :)

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