Chapter 13

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Do you know how hard it is, watching someone you really care for going through a very hard time, and knowing there's nothing you can do for them? You can't take away the pain and your presence only make eveything worse for them.

That's how the weeks following Maia's death felt for me. It was as though a part of Dean had died with her. He wasn't himself anymore. Just a shell of a man. He wasn't himself. He was angrier, more voilent and reckless. Even just looking at him could end with you having a blood nose.

It broke my heart seeing him like this. His eyes were always bloodshot. Rather than being sad, he was angry.

"Dylan." I lightly spoke to the blue eyed boy. He weakly smiled at me. He had been the closest to Dean during this and had been there through everything.

"Hey Sky." He loosely wrapped an arm around me, giving me a sad, side-hug.

"How- How is he?" My voice sounded so small. In response, Dylan shook his head, staring at the ground. His expression was pained and it seemed as though flashes of everything were going through his mind.

"He's still angry." Dylan lightly chuckled. There was a long silence between us as we both reflected. My mind went back to the day we found out and my stupid actions replayed over and over. I wished could go back to that day. I wished that Maia had somehow managed to get better and that Romeo hadn't kissed me. I wished that I was with Dean and that he didn't hate me.

"Angry with me." I mumbled.

"Angry with everyone. With everything. Hell, he's even angry with himself." Dylan replied.

School had become such a drag and at that moment, biology felt oddly elongated. I sighed when I realised it was only half way through the lesson. Dylan sat on my right and Hunter on my left. Hunter had her earphones in and I could hear her screamo.

She had shut off from the rest of us, even more than usual. And, though she'd never admit it, we could all tell she missed Dean and was hurting with him.

I absent-mindedly doodled spirals on my book, while looking out the window. For some reason, spirals calmed me down. Right at that moment, I saw Dean walking past my class. Although we hadn't spoken to each other in what had felt like forever, I was somehow compelled to follow him.

I quickly grabbed all my belongings and ran out the door of the class, ignoring my biology teacher's yells. I would probably end up with a detention, but that didn't matter.

"Dean!" I called out. He turned towards me, then immediatly continued walking. The scene seemed almost to identical to what had happened before.

"Dean, stop!" I ran after him. Unfortunately for me my running skills left a lot to be desired. I loudly panted, making my way to him.

I grabbed his wrist, but this time he yanked his arm away. "Please." I cried. He continued walking, determined to get to wherever he was going. I followed him out of the school, keeping my distance. The rain did a good job of hiding the teaars that were madly streaming down my face.

"Sky!" Dylan called after me. I turned to where his voice came from and saw him running towards me. By the time I had turned back, Dean was gone.

Dylan instinctively wrapepd his arms around me, as I cried into his arms.


"You need to go see Dean, right now." Casey demanded. As soon as I had reached my house, Casey had called me, telling me I should see Dean.

"He doesn't want anything to do with me." I croaked. I had given up. He hated me, and there was no way of me doing anything to change that.

"Well, I'm scared he's gonna do something bad." Casey's voice was laced in concern, prompting me to sit up.

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered.

"I'll send you a link to something he posted." Those words sent shivers down my spine.

"Okay." I mumbled. Casey hung up the phone and a few seconds later, I recieved the link. It was a song, simply titled 'Stop'. I hesitantly pressed play.


I ran to Dean's house, not bothered by the rain, or distance. My heart was beating fast and I felt like my legs would collapse, not that it mattered. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of losing Dean, forever.

When I reached his house, I could hear loud screams, belonging to Dean and his father.

"You will respect your mother!"
"That whore isn't my mother, my mom's dead. Buried in the ground!"

The yelling was followed by a loud bang, showing someone had slammed a door, pretty hard. I quickly walked to the front door and knocked three times.

The door opened and Dean's dad stod in front of me. His hair was messy and he looked strained. "Skylar." He did his best to smile.

"Hi sir, can I please see Dean?" I replied.

"I'm not sure if this is the best time." He attempted to block me. Irritated, I pushed past him and ran up to Dean's room, mumbling a 'sorry' as I did so.

Loud music blasted from Dean's room and the words 'Do not disturb' were messily written all over his door.

"DEAN! DEAN, LET ME IN OR I SWEAR, I WILL BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR." My words were loud, but lacked the power to fully be the threat I had intened them to be. However, the music continued to blast and the door didn't show any signs of opening.

I repeatedly slammed my fists against the door and suddenly it opened.

"WHAT THE F- Cruise?" His tone softened as he realised I was standing there. Instead of replying, I pulled him down and kissed him. It was rushed and unexpected, yet to me it felt so right. He hesitated at first, but then he wrapped his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss.

"I can't imagine life without you Dean. Please, stop." I spoke gently, after we parted. He intently looked into my eyes, guilt written all over his face.

"I heard the song, Dean. Please don't hurt yourself. I love you." I spoke into his chest. His arms were tightly around me and I could feel his heavy breathing.

"I love you too Cruise." He whispered. My heart instantly sped up.

He loved me! Holy poop this was brilliant. There was a peaceful silence between the two of us. For the first time in a while, everything felt right.

"You wouldn't have done it, would you?" I carefully spoke, when I noticed the picture of Maia in Dean's hand.



A/N: The song on the side is 'Stop' by Dalton Rapattoni an honestly, this song is chilling. Unfortunately there are people out there who feel that way and it really breaks my heart :(

If anyone is ever going through a hard time or feels defeated, just know you are loved and are needed. Don't hurt yourself and if you need someone to talk to, you can always message me.

I promise, from here on the chapters will be happier.


Please vote, comment and what not.....

Alsooooo I love you guys! Thank you for everything

-Dylan is bae

-What should Sky/ Dean's ship name be???


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