Chapter 6

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"You're going out with Romeo?!" Alex shrieked, as she sat on the edge of my bed. Instantly my cheeks began to heat up. I never thought this moment, where I could nod at that statement, would come.

After school, Romeo had texted me, asking if I was free to hang out with him at a Diner. Most people would call that a date. I was amongst most people with that.

"Yes, and you're supposed to be helping me find something to wear!" I blushed. Alex immediately began to giggle.

"Are you going for casual or over the top?" Alex asked as she began searching through my closet. That was a good question. How did I want to come across?

Before I could answer, Alex threw me my favourite dress. It was a pretty baby blue dress, which stopped at around mid thigh. I really liked it because it complimented my complexion.

"Alex, you are a genius and I love you!" I squealed. At around the same time, my phone buzzed, indicating a text. I groaned when I noticed it was Casey. He had been getting on my nerves lately.

Case xo- 'Are you seriously going out with Wilkinson?'

"Casey." I rolled my eyes. I had every right to be angry at him. Especially after the stunt he had pulled. He knew how much I liked Romeo.

"Are you still butt hurt about this afternoon?" Hunter asked. I had completely forgotten she was there. Granted, she had just been on her phone the entire time.

I swear I'm a good friend.

"Yes." I huffed, throwing my phone at Hunter who instinctively caught it. The phone buzzed again and I honestly didn't feel like replying to Casey. So I let Hunter do it. She would totally sass him, I smiled to myself.

"I know you hate me, but I was trying to protect you. Just stay away from Wilk, he's trouble." Hunter read out very monotone. Now where had  I heard those words before? Oh yeah, from Dean.

"Don't reply." I instructed.


"Have fun!" Alex smiled, slightly pushing me out the door of my own house.

"Gee, thanks." I replied. Romeo was outside, waiting for me to go on our date. Excited would be an understatement. I was beyond excited.

When I got out of the house, Romeo was waiting by his Land Rover, with a cute smile on his face. He stood by the passanger seat and opened the door for me when I reached it. His gesture made me smile, but something about the whole thing seemed awkward and forced.

"You look beautiful." He smiled, causing me to blush and look away.

"Thank you." I mumbled in return.

The drive to the diner was the most awkward thing ever. It was filled with silence and the occassional close-ended attempts to make conversation, ending in one word responses.

When we reached the Diner, Romeo quickly ran to my door and opened it for me. What a sweetheart. He held my hand and we made our way to the Diner.

To be completely honest, the entire time we were driving, I needed to pee.

"Hey, Romeo, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom okay?" I smiled. He nodded lightly and I  quickly walked to the bathroom as he found us a seat.

Again, you do not need details.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I was on a date with Romeo Wilkinson.

When I walked out the door, I was confronted by a very fimiliar person. Dylan McKay. I will gladly describe his appearance to you. Whoo.

Dylan had beautiful blue eyes that stared into your soul. They were complimented by his jet black hair. He was hot and dangerous. Classic bad boy. He wore a faded band-tee and black skinny jeans, oh and he had his signature smirk.

Oh boy.

He was like Landon in A Walk To Remember, you know, before he met Jamie. Yup, that was Dylan.

"Looking good, princess." He smirked, raising an eyebrow and shamelessly checking me out. I rolled my eyes at him, attempting to push past him. However, he grabbed my arm lightly, stopping me from leaving. I got a weird sence of Déjà vu.

"Dylan, do you mind? I'm on a date." I pulled my arm away from him, but his grip tightened. I wasn't leaving any time soon.

"I know, princess. But watch out." He warned. I rolled my eyes at him again. Why was I being warned, yet again, about Romeo? Was his reputation really that bad?

Dylan released my arm and I quickly walked away from him, huffing. I made my way to the table where Romeo was sitting and instantly he looked up from his phone, struggling to put it in his pocket.


"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi." I replied.


I would go into detail about the date, but I think somethings are better of  unsaid. I'm sorry. But what I can tell you is that it was better than expected, aside from the encounter with Dylan.

Romeo was the perfect gentleman and truely lived up to his name. Ladies and Gentlemen, chilvary is not dead and Romeo Wilkinson proves that.

When we reached my house, it was late in the afternoon. My parents were waiting, thinking I didn't know.

Romeo walked me up the stairs and to my front door. So you know what I did? I did that thing that the Will Smith said girls do in Hitch, I played with my keys, hoping he had received the message.

He was a lot dumber than I thought.

"It was lovely going out with you Skylar." He half smiled and tilted his head to the side. I awkwardly coughed, shuffling a bit, hoping to elongate our time together.

"I enjoyed myself?" He said, but it came out more like a question. He looked deep into my eyes, with curiosity across his face.


"Um- you too." I gave up, opening the front door, carefully because I knew my parents were right behind it.They didn't deserve to be embarrassed by him finding them

Yes they did.

"Bye Romeo." I smiled, kissing his cheek and immediately blushing. He looked shocked, then eased into a small smile.

"I'll see you later Skylar." He walked back down his car and instantly sped away. I had the biggest most stupidest grin on my face.

Much to my (not) suprise, my Mum, Dad and Phoenix were standing there with goofy grins.

The Cruise family, everybody.


A/N: I'm sooooo sorry about how long this update took, it's kinda really bad because I had writers block ( I know it's not a real thing but still) Also I apologize for how bad this chapter is, it's just a filler and I promise the next chapter will be about a ton better and I will explain who Dylan is :)

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