Chapter 16

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"He's not my type." Hunter spoke bluntly. I had casually slipped in the possibility of her going on a date with Dylan, however, Hunter was completely uninterested.

"But have you seen how pretty his eyes are?" I gently nudged her. Phoenix loudly scoffed at me.

We were having our Nicholas Sparks marathon, and I had decided to invite Hunter and Alex.

Probably not a good idea, seeing as the marathon was to help Phoenix get over Dylan, who just so happened to like Hunter.

"They're okay, I guess. I prefer green eyes." Hunter shrugged. Again, Phoenix scoffed.

"Is she okay?" Hunter asked, ignoring the fact that Phoenix was in the room.

"Peachy." Phoenix said, through gritted teeth.

"Oh, this is my favourite part!" Alex squealed. I had told her about the whole Hunter/Dylan/Phoenix situation, so she was doing everything in her power to defuse the tension, even if her timing was a little off.

"This is the part where she tells him she's dying." Phoenix deadpanned, unamused.


With that, Phoenix stood up and left. On the outside it appeared she was being a little melodramatic, but hey, she had just found out her crush had his eye on someone else.

"You should go out with Dylan." I said to Hunter. She immediately rolled her eyes at me.

"Why are you pushing this?" Her tone had a hint of amusement in it.

"You too would look good together." I replied, attempting to remain conversational.

"He's too short for me."

"He's like 6'1."

"I like my men 6'4."

"He likes the same music as you."

"I believe in the saying, opposites attract." She smiled smugly.

"You're being difficult." I finally said.

"Your boyfriend beat you to it Sky. I'm going out with Dylan on Saturday!" For the first time since I had met her, Hunter squealed.

She had been playing me the entire time. That smug bi-

My phone buzzed, signalling a text. I looked down to see it was from the one person I hoped I'd never talk to again.

'I need to talk to you – Romeo'

Instantly it was like time stopped and I was thrown back into those emotions I felt the last time we had interacted. I had been pretending for a while that he didn't exist and that I had never had a crush on him, but you can't turn feelings on and off like a lightbulb. This wasn't to say I liked him, no. I just couldn't ignore the fact that for such a large portion of my life I had indeed liked him.

The simplest thing I could think to do was ignore him. I did not need that kind of drama in my life.


"Dean!" I playfully giggled as my boyfriend picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. I gently hit is back in an attempt to get him to put me down. Instead, he chuckled to himself as he ran with me up the stairs of my house.

It wasn't like I was complaining though, I got a free ride up to my room and the view on the way there wasn't half bad.

He lazily threw me onto my bed, still laughing.

"You're getting heavy, Cruise." He joked.

"Hey! Some girls get offended by comments like that." I said, leaning back onto my bed and lightly pushing him.

"You're not just some girl." He hovered over me, leaning slightly into me. This in turn caused my heart rate to increase and my breath to hitch.

Dean continued to lean in, causing my breathing to speed up. I closed my eyes in anticipation, but the kiss never came.

"Too easy, Cruise." Dean pulled back, laughing out loud. He got up from my bed, leaving me there, dumbstruck.

As I tried to wrap my mind around what had just happened, my phone began to buzz ever so slightly on my desk, signalling a text.

I gestured for Dean to check it, while I got myself together. He, still being obviously amused by what had just happened, walked over to my phone.

He had the nerve to tease me like that, oh boy was he in for a world of teasing. I would get him back so bad, he won't even know what hit him! I would start as soon as we went out for the dinner we had arranged-

-"Skylar, why is Romeo texting you?" Dean's voice broke my train of thought. I had been so caught up in my own little world that I hadn't realized he had stopped laughing and was angrily gripping my phone.

There was no recovering from this.

"I-I." Was all I managed to stutter. Dean began to absentmindedly run his fingers through his hair, a habit I had picked up on a while back. He did it when he was stressed, annoyed, upset or angry. You can pick which one was the cause this time.

"I thought you were over him." His voice was cold and distant. I tried to walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, but he almost immediately backed away.

"I am!" I said, raising my voice a little more than I had intended.

"Then why's he asking you to meet up!" Dean's voice raised to match my volume, though his tone was angry compared to my defensive tone.

"You're acting like I told him to text me! I didn't beg him to ask to meet up!" I raised my voice even louder, and at this point we were now in a full screaming match.

"You obviously led him on Skylar! You still want him, don't you? To fulfil some weird fantasy you haven't grown out of." Dean accusingly pointed his finger at me, inching closer.

"Is that really what you think Dean? Are you really that insecure?" I stepped towards him. I could sense the anger building up inside of him, and only at that moment did it register just how much Dean towered over me. His face became almost unreadable as he took another step towards me.

I instinctively stepped back, trying hard to not make it obvious that he was scaring me. Immediately his face softened.


I shook my head at him. He had made it clear what he thought of me.

"I'm so sorry Sky." He took another step towards me, causing me to back up again.

"I would never hurt you, you know that." He softly spoke. I hadn't realized there were tears in my eyes until they began to fall.

"Get out."

He took another step towards me.

"I said get out!" I screamed. Dean looked like he was going to stay, but he obeyed, with his head hung, he walked out my door. I fell to my knees and immediately began to sob. I didn't actually want him to leave.

A/N: would you look at that, it's an update! Thanks for your patience guys!

Please remember to vote/comment.

Like I said on my page, TBBC is nearly at the end (aw) and I plan on writing a fanfic after this, so if you have ideas on who it could be about, please request, I'd really appreciate it xxx

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