Chapter 10

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Important A/N at the end


"I swear, Cruise, you stopped my blood circulation!" Dean feigned seriousness.

"Did not!" I exclaimed, grabbing his arm in an attempt to regain my balance. Dean, Casey, Hunter, Alexandria, Dylan and I had spent the entire day at a fair and let me tell you, I did not do well on rollercoasters, to say the least. The others had left but Dean and I had decided to stay back for one more ride.

A few weeks had passed and honestly I can tell you, things had changed. Well, Dean had changed. He and Dylan had sort of unofficially joined our group.

"And what were you screaming?" He raised an eyebrow at me, stopping briefly. A smirk became present on his face, so I knew what was coming.

"Dean. I we're gonna die! This is death! I'm gonna pee my pants!" He waved his arms around and shrieked in a very high pitch. People began to look, so instinctively, I grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

"Woah there Cruise." Dean smirked, looking at our interlocked hands. I rolled my eyes and let go, attempting to downplay how fast my heart was beating.

After the whole thing with Romeo, I had began to see Dean in a different manner. He was no longer a complete tool in my eyes. Rather, he was misunderstood. Behind his bad boy exterior was a sweet guy who genuinely cared for people. He also had a great sense of humour, which was a plus.

"You didn't have to let go." He smirked ever so slightly. Again, I rolled my eyes. It was a sort of defense mechanism. Before I could reply, Dean had placed his arm around my shoulder and with a chuckle, lead me to his motorcycle. I had initially came with Hunter, but since she was gone, Dean was my only option.

Well, I certainly had not thought it through.

"Hell no. There is no way I am going on that thing." I spoke, wrapping my arms around myself and backing away from his motorcycle.

Dean, however, lightly pushed me back towards it and despite my best efforts to fight it, my strength was nothing compared to his.

"What will you do, Cruise? Walk all the way back into town?" He chuckled slightly. Why was he being so chill? I had an actual fear.

"I'd rather walk than get on that death machine!" I sqealed, trying to wriggle free from his grip, but to no avail. It was like he wasn't even trying.

"Don't talk about my baby like that." He cooed. I swear, if he had named it-

"Ignore her, Shelley, she's just a hater."
Instantly I burst out in a fit of laughter. He had named the thing! Shelley of all names. Dean let me go and walked over to his motorcycle- I mean, Shelley. He sat and looked at me expectantly. I have to say, he looked hot and dangerous on his motorcycle. Kind of like James Dean- Hey, that's funny!

James Dean.
Dean Bourne.

"Hey Dean, what's your middle name?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me and I realised the randomness of my question.

"James." He threw a helmet at me, which I obviously didn't catch, because of my slow reflexes and the fact that his middle name was James. Like James Dean or even James Bourne!

I briefly stared at him, off in my own little world, with a goofy smile on my face. Which in turn earned me a weird look from Dean.

I snapped back to reality and picked up the helmet, I placed it onto my head and walked over to Dean. He, almost instantly, began to adjust the helmet so it would fit me. This meant our faces were pretty close to each other and my heart rate sped up. There was a moment after he finished adjusting where we both were lost in each others eyes, but he quickly broke the eye contact and cleared his throat.

"Um, get on and wrap your arms around me."

I did as I was told. My arms loosely wrapped around his torso. My heart rate increased rapidly. It was weird being this close to him.

 "You're gonna need to hold on tighter than that." Dean said. I could tell there was a smirk on his face as I proceeded to tighten my grip on him.


"Is it alright if we make a quick pit stop?" Dean spoke, after a long, quiet journey. My eyes were closed and so was my mouth, so in response, Dean gained a barely audible, "Mmh."

Before I knew it, the motorcycle came to a solid stop, which was a relief for me. I slowly opened my eyes to see where we were. Dean had stopped in the parking lot of a busy hospital.

Somnerhill Hospital. I reread the sign over and over. Why had Dean taken me to a hospital? Was I hurt? Was he hurt? I wanted to ask, but for some reason I decided not to.

He led me to the enterance of the hospital and we remained in silence. Not an awkward silence though. He smiled directly and greeted a few of the nurses, showing he was a regular at the hospital. This scared me though. I had been friends with Dean for a short whille, but he never mentioned any sicknesses.

We made our way through the hospital, completely in silence, then Dean stopped outside a room.

"You don't have to come in." He awkwardly looked anywhere but my eyes and scratched the back of his neck. He seemed extremely uncomfortable and I didn't want to push him, but curiosity over took me.

"I want to." I shyly smiled.

A small, frail woman lay on the hospital bed. She had dark hazel eyes like Dean, but hers were sunken in. She looked tired, yet she still retained her beauty. A small smile spread played across her lips as Dean and I entered the room. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Dean. She was truly beautiful. Which is the reason I didn't initially notice, her hair was missing.


"Sky, this is my Mum."


A/N: I know what you're thinking... "whaaaa? his momma was in chapter 4.  But don't worry guys, all will be revealed.

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Alssooooo, I'm not really happy happy with the cast, so I need your help... Comment suggestions for: (They must be under 20! sorry)





and Kayley




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