Chapter 14: Dean's POV

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I the angrily stormed through the empty halls of the school, occasionally punching lockers. My whole world had been flipped upside down. Everything was slowly beginning to unravel. My whole life was a bloody mess, and the only person who could save me, had been taken away from me.

"Dean." I heard a soft voice speak. I turned and unfortunately for me, Brooklyn stood behind me.

"Piss off." I snapped. I was in no mood for her crap. She had done nothing but make Sky's life a living hell and I would never forgive her for that.

"There's something you need to see." She was being to sweet. Almost sinister, the way she lightly touched my arm and looked deep into my eyes should've rang alarm bells, but in my state, I was in no position to fight her. I allowed her to aimlessly guide me further down the halls.

Brooklyn let go of my arm and stepped aside. She left me standing there, waiting for something. I should have followed her or asked her what the hell was going on, but instead, I stood there and watched.

It was hard to believe that someone in the world would be so unfortunate as to have their heart broken twice in one day. I watched on as Romeo softly kissed Skylar. Something I had wanted to do basically my entire life. He made it seem so easy.

The walls felt as if they were closing in on me. I was stuck in a daze, wondering what I had possibly done to deserve this.  Why was it that assholes like Romeo Wilkinson got everything they wanted, yet I had lost my mother and the girl I loved.

After what had felt like an eternity, the kiss broke. I watched on, unable to wrap my mind around what had happened. I had thought Skylar was over her little crush, but I guess not. She had just led me on. Her heart belonged to Romeo, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Following Romeo's gaze, Skylar turned back and faced me. Immediately, her face was covered with guilt. I tried to hide the betrayal I was feeling, but I knew my face would give it away.

The silence was deafening, as all three of us stood there, stilled. The tension in the air was almost toxic. I had to get away from them. I had to leave. With my head hanging low, I turned and walked away. There was no way I was going to show them how much they had hurt me.

The image replayed over and over in my mind, clogging my thought process. There was only so much a person could deal with in one day. I had taken her to meet my mother for Gods sake! How was it that she was so strung up on Romeo, that she hadn't realised I had been in love with her for years! Everybody knew. Casey knew, Brooklyn, even Romeo. It wasn't fair.

I leaned up against a locker, trying to forget. Pretending everything was okay, like it had been the day before. The bell loudly rang and I could hear people slowly making their way out of class. I turned around and there she was. I briefly looked into her eyes, then walked off.

"Dean!" She called out. There was desperation in her voice. She was hurt too, but not for the same reason as me. No, she felt sorry for me. She grabbed my wrist, sending a surge of electricity through my body. No one, other than Skylar, had that affect on me. I tensed under her touch.


"Let go of me Skylar." It felt weird using her full name, but at that point it slipped out with ease.

"No! Let me explain!" She stubbornly replied.

"You don't owe me an explanation, it's not like we're together or anything." Those words hurt me. I had said it more for myself than her. We weren't together and regardless of what I had thought, we would never be. We both stood in an awkward silence.

"I really liked you Skylar. Hell, I might have even loved you. But you were just too stupid to see it. You were so infatuated by Romeo, that you were oblivious to everything else. He doesn't give a damn about you! You and Wilk deserve each other." I angrily spat. I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes. This entire day had just been too much. I had never been so hurt in my entire life and I didn't even know who to blame.

"I like you too." She softly spoke. Those words sounded so empty. I shook my head at her. She was only saying that because my mum had died.

"You don't like me. You feel sorry for me. Well guess what, I don't need your sympathy." I didn't need her. I ran my fingers through my hair and left.


Weeks had passed since my mum's death and I had become numb to the world. Pain was just a regular emotion to me. Along with anger and self pity.

I had become so bitter and violent that I even scared myself. I had shut off from the rest of the world, including my best friend.

The only thing that had really kept me from killing myself or someone else was the memory of my mum. In her final days, she had told me, for the first time in my life, her favourite song. That had become all I listened to.

I had stopped attending classes regularly, and at that point, I was aimlessly walking around. I had had enough and decided to leave for the day. However, as I made my way out the school, I heard my name called. I hadn't heard that voice in a long time, and as I turned to face her, my heart rate uncontrollably sped up. Despite attempting to convince myself I was over her, it was almost impossible to stop loving her.

"Dean, stop!" She called after me. I ignored her and continued walking, hoping to escape to my motorcycle.

I could hear her heavy panting and loud run. She had never really participated in physical education. She grabbed my arm and I immediately yanked It back. I had to leave.

"Please." Her voice sounded frail and desperate. I continued walking, ignoring the rain that was falling.


"IT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOU!" I angrily yelled at my step mother. Everything that had built up inside me was finally coming out. There were no words to describe how angry the thought of her and my father made me.

"You will respect you mother!" My dad yelled back at me. His voice was booming and controlling, but I wasn't backing down. He had left my mum in her darkest hours and he had the nerve to tell me what to do.

"That whore isn't my mother, my mum is dead. Buried in the ground!" I angrily declared. His face immediately fell. My father was a coward.

I ran to my bedroom, ignoring his yells and slammed the door as loudly as I could. I turned my music up to the loudest volume and attempted to drown myself in the lyrics, clutching a picture of my mum in my hands.

That is until I heard repeated knocks on my door and muffled yelling.

"WHAT THE FU-Cruise?" To say I was surprised to see her would be an understatement. Before I knew what was happening, she pulled me into a deep kiss. Everything in that moment felt so right.

"I can't imagine life without you, Dean. Please. Stop." She pleaded, her delicate features were laced with concern. I felt so guilty for the hell I had put her through.

"I heard the song Dean, please don't hurt yourself. I love you." My mind raced, trying to think of which song had caused her to say those three words and eight letters. That's when it clicked. Stop. My mum's song had caused the girl of my dreams to realise she loved me.

"I love you too, Cruise." Those words came so easy to me, because they were the truth.

"You wouldn't have done it, would you?" Her voice softly broke the silence. With a girl like her in my life, how could I have ever?

"No." I truthfully spoke.


A/N: I feel like that's one of the longest chapters I've done in a while XD It's Dean's POV of the last two chapters

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