Yandere Dragon × (Gender neutural) reader

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(Y/N) was currently sitting in their yard humming a small tune to thereself, it was a song their (M/N) once sang to them as a lullaby.

Their (H/L) (H/C) was currently swaying gently with the wind as they tended to their garden.

They were suddenly caught off guard as something large moved throughout the forest infront of their house, as they were about to stand up a knight suddenly appeard and grabbed them.

They tried to fight back but the Knight quickly put a end to that '' Stop that this instant! There is a dragon roaming this mountain! ´´ he said, that made them instantly freeze with fear and look up towards him before looking around frantically.

Before they could leave however, they were stopped by a very large reptile standing in their path, '' Get back you foul creature! ´´ the knight cried out only getting a loud roar in response.

(Y/N) suddenly cried out as the horse was knocked over by a mighty tail but they were suddenly caught before they could hit the ground, they cried out in pain as they were immediately grabbed in a tight grasp and pulled in close to the dragon.

They tried to fight to escape but the dragon wasn't having any of that and suddenly growled at them, it then stood to take off but the knight stood up and grabbed his sword.

But before the poor knight had a chance to attack the dragon let out a roar as fire escaped it's muzzle, poor (Y/N) got the whole view and before they could think they were out like a light.


(Y/N) Slowly awoke, not to a dragons horde. But to a soft bed in a dimly lit room, they tried to move their arms but they soon realized they couldn't!

Why? Because their hands were tightly wounded together so they couldn't move, that made (Y/N) Terrified as they tried harder.

All the memories of the past twenty-four hours had already came rushing back, why did the dragon attack them? Why did it take THEM?!

They suddenly froze as the door creaked open to find a sweet, but very strong looking man who went to sit at the foot of the bed.

'' I'm glad you're okay, my future queen ´´ he whispered to them, and they started to recognize him as the next prince in line for the throne in the rival kingdom!

'' W- Why? ´´ they began but was soon cut off as he leaned towards them, '' Why are you here? Or why have I chosen a peasant to be my queen? ´´ he asked.

'' B- Both. And what happened to the dragon?! ´´ they suddenly asked horrified, '' Oh- that was me. I'm so sorry that I made you watch that knight burn to crisp ´´ he began.

They couldn't belive it! He was the dragon?! They quickly shook their head to clear it only to squeal when they opened them, he was leaned in close looking them in the eyes '' and you're here because you're my little gem ´´ he whispered gently kissing her.

Now (Y/N) Is stuck in a foreign land and has no way to escape, they've tried once, but after what he did they'll never do it again.

Okay! That was the first part! I hoped you all enjoyed it! Have a good day/Evening/Night!!

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